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Products>Genesis Collection (2 vols.)

Genesis Collection (2 vols.)

, 1976–1998

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $92.98
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There is much discussion today on creationism vs. evolutionism, on a young earth vs. an old earth, the global vs. local complexity of the Noahic flood, the longevity of the patriarchs, and many other aspects and difficult passages found in the book of Genesis. A scientist and a professor provide sound biblical conclusions regarding these dichotomous subjects, offering clear explanations of the literary and theological motifs found in the book of beginnings.

  • Biblical conclusions regarding science and religion
  • Authors include a scientist and a professor
  • Discusses literary and theological motifs found in the Bible
  • Title: Genesis Collection (2 vols.)
  • Authors: Henry M. Morris and Allen Ross
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 1,460
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$317.29


19 ratings

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  1. David Nowlin

    David Nowlin


  2. Theodore Pruitt

    Theodore Pruitt


    Just reading a little in the collection leads me to believe this has been written from the catholic point of view? Help me out please!
  3. Mattillo



  4. Richard E. Davis
  5. Jeffrey E. Green
  6. Alfonso Alvizo
  7. Paul Richardson
    I have found Creation and Blessing to be the better of the two but both have their benefits.
  8. mike



    John MacArthur used Henry Morris' commentary for his Genesis sermon. I'll take that.
  9. Donovan Neufeldt
  10. Matthew John Buttner


Collection value: $92.98
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