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Products>Crossway Classic Commentaries Series Collection (26 vols.)

Crossway Classic Commentaries Series Collection (26 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $495.75
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For hundreds of years, the church has been blessed with Bible commentaries written by some of the greatest and most influential thinkers in recent history, highly respected for their godly walk and their insight into spiritual truth. The Crossway Classic Commentary series, carefully adapted for maximum understanding and usefulness, presents the very best work on individual Bible books for today’s believers.

Editors Alister McGrath and J. I. Packer draw from the wisdom of church history, inviting readers to listen to important voices of the past in order to discern how God might be speaking in the present—all while offering the best biblical scholarship from the past five centuries. McGrath and Packer have tailored these commentaries to the needs of thoughtful Christians—lay Christians, students, and those in ministry. As a result, the books in this collection convey the words and thoughts of the original authors, but faithfully communicate them in an understandable fashion. The originals, some of which were written at a highly technical level, have been abridged as needed and stylistically simplified.

What’s more, with the Logos editions of the Crossway Classic commentaries, you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of other information from dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the rest of the titles in your Logos library. Hovering over scripture texts will display the scripture reference from your favorite Bible translation, and you can link the Crossway commentaries to the other commentaries in your library for research, analysis, and a fuller understanding of the Bible. For those wanting comprehensive commentaries on the Bible written in accessible language, this series—combined with the power of Logos—makes the greatest Bible teachers and theologians from the past 500 years available like never before.

These twenty six volumes will display as twenty five resources in your digital library.

  • Contains introductions to each book by J.I. Packer
  • Includes outlines and stylistic highlighting for each commentary
  • Provides verse-by-verse commentary

The purpose of the Crossway Classic Commentaries is to make some of the most valuable commentaries on the books of the Bible, by some of the greatest Bible teachers and theologians in the last 500 hundred years, available to a new generation. These books will help today’s readers learn truth, wisdom, and devotion from such authors as J. C. Ryle, . . . John Calvin, J. B. Lightfoot, . . . Charles Spurgeon, [and] Charles Hodge . . .

We do not apologize for the age of some of the items chosen. In the realm of practical exposition promoting godliness, the old is often better than the new. Spiritual vision and authority, based on an accurate handling of the biblical text, are the qualities that have been primarily sought in deciding what to include.

So far as is possible, everything is tailored to the needs and enrichment of thoughtful readers—lay Christians, students, and those in the ministry. The originals, some of which were written at a high technical level, have been abridged as needed, simplified stylistically, and unburdened of foreign words. However, the intention of this series is never to change any thoughts of the original authors, but to faithfully convey them in an understandable fashion.

The publishers are grateful to Dr. Alister A. McGrath of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, Dr. J. I. Packer of Regent College, Vancouver, and Watermark of Norfolk, England, for the work of selecting and editing that now brings this project to fruition.

  • Title: Crossway Classic Commentaries Series Collection
  • Editors: Alister McGrath and J. I. Packer
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Publication Date: 1993–2001
  • Series: Crossway Classic Commentaries
  • Volumes: 26
  • Resources: 25
  • Pages: 7,112
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {CE564F8B-EF64-47FB-BA28-4632008A0E41}
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$495.75

About the Editors

J. I. Packer was born in 1926 in Gloucester, England and studied at Oxford University before becoming ordained in the Church of England in 1952. He was influenced by the Puritan writings of John Owen and Richard Baxter, the preaching of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and the teaching of C. S. Lewis, whom he met at Oxford. In 1979, Packer became professor of historical and systematic theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Packer is a prolific writer, and has written numerous books and articles. His popular Knowing God has sold more than one million copies and has been translated into 10 languages. He also served as the general editor for the English Standard Version of the Bible, and currently serves as an executive editor at Christianity Today. Packer was included in Time’s list of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America, and is widely considered one of the most important theologians of the late twentieth century.

Alister McGrath was born in 1953 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He studied applied mathematics, physics, and chemistry at the Methodist College in Belfast, and began studying chemistry at Oxford University in 1971. In 1980 he was ordained in the Church of England, and was appointed professor of historical theology at Oxford University. McGrath is a prolific writer, authoring books and articles on scientific and theological topics. He is an outspoken critic of scientific naturalism in general and new atheism in particular. He has debated notable atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett both in person and in print, and advocates scientific theology. McGrath gave the prestigious Gifford Lectures in June, 2009.

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7 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Dr. Anthony Mazak
  3. GracePoint Plant City
  4. Ian Carmichael
    A superb, classic collection. And with the additional connections provided by the Logos system, to be thoroughly recommended to all building up a decent library of both classic and contemporary key works. These provide a great start to the classics!
  5. Vincent Chia

    Vincent Chia


  6. Debra W Bouey
  7. John L. Jefferson
  8. Jeffrey Willis
    Great set. Used it when reading Luke. A hybrid commentary and devotional.


Collection value: $495.75
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