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Products>Experiencing God Day by Day

Experiencing God Day by Day


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A 365-day inspirational reader based on the best-selling book, Experiencing God.

Top Highlights

“The quality of our worship is not based on our activities but on our character.” (source)

“Much of the frustration we experience as Christians has nothing to do with what God does or doesn't do. It has everything to do, rather, with the false assumptions we make about how we think God will and should act.” (source)

“God is not interested in receiving secondhand glory from our activity. God receives glory from His activity through our lives.” (source)

“Christianity is not a set of teachings to understand. It is a Person to follow” (source)

“Genuine worship, however, originates from within our hearts. If our relationship with God is not healthy, all these things are nothing more than religious pageantry.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Experiencing God Day by Day
  • Authors:
    • Blackaby, Henry T.
    • Blackaby, Richard
  • Publisher: B&H Books
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • ISBN: 9780805454666

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  1. Michael Skinner
    Please offer this resource as a daily devotional in the app. Blackaby offers a outstanding devotional.
  2. Jesse E Champers
    I really enjoy this devotional. It's written in the style of My Utmost for His Highest. It is thoughtful, concise, and encouraging. The only thing is that it doesn't show up in Logos as a daily devotional to put on my dashboard (maybe this can be changed!).
