Digital Logos Edition
Arno C. Gaebelein, one of America’s truly great Bible teachers, published The Annotated Bible in 1922. This deeply insightful nine-volume commentary set is praised and respected by legions of devoted seekers. This impassioned author writes with enthusiasm and knowledge, whether he is answering destructive criticisms or defending the traditional authorship of the books of the Bible.
Gaebelein’s biblical reflection was informed by his exposure to the atrocities of two world wars, and his zeal stemmed from a desire to make the Bible accessible to a generation in need of comfort and a world marred by suffering. He cautioned his readers against misidentifying the war as Armageddon and exhorted them to trust God and turn to the Bible for comfort and guidance. In the years after World War I, Gaebelein became a vocal and prolific defender of fundamentalism, inerrancy, and premillennialism. He engaged critics from the pulpit and in print and always did so with a firmly irenic spirit. In 1933, he published a book which portrayed the entirety of human history as conflict between God and Satan. In it he addressed current events and focused especially on the threat of Communism.
In the 1930s, the dangers of Communism gave way to the threat of Nazism, which Gaebelein abhorred. In 1937, he sailed to Germany to witness first-hand the Nazi regime, and he denounced it continuously in the pages of Our Hope. Both before and during World War II he meticulously documented and published accounts of Nazi atrocities to the Jews. Throughout his ministry, Gaebelein shunned prophetic date-setting and those who practiced it, arguing that our hope and interest must not be in the Antichrist but, rather, in Jesus Christ.
This commentary on the whole Bible has been a standard reference work for most of a century, and the strident words of A. C. Gaebelein still ring with timeless truth.
Note: The originally published edition of The Annotated Bible was released as nine print volumes, then later reprinted, unchanged, in four multiple title volumes as pictured above. For optimal usability we have divided The Annotated Bible into its original nine volumes for Logos Bible Software.
In The Annotated Bible Dr. Gaebelein gave us a very splendid running commentary. You often find insights and emphasis that are missing elsewhere. He was a grand and glorious warrior for the truth.
—William Culbertson
As an apologetic of great present cogency and value I know of nothing at once so clear, fair, and convincing. Admirable analyses and clear, sane, and spiritual interpretations.
—C. I. Scofield
His writings will never lose their timeliness—a valuable addition to any library.
—United Evangelical Action
Long unavailable because they were out of print, his works are now reissued for the benefit of yet another generation. They are highly recommended to Bible students for their keen insight into the books, their faithfulness in exposition of the truths of the Word, and the warmth of love for the Lord they reflect.
—J. D. Pentecost, Dallas Theological Seminary
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Among expositors and Bible teachers of the first half of the twentieth century, Arno C. Gaebelein stands very high. His editorship of the unique Bible study magazine, Our Hope, and his authorship of scores of volumes gave him an international reputation. He influenced many during his ministry over the last fifty years in many parts of the United States and Canada. A pioneer in the Bible conference movement, he was an original member of the editorial board that assisted Dr. C. I. Scofield in the preparation of the Scofield Reference Bible.
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Peter O'Handley
Chris Malone
Debra W Bouey
Mark D. Anderson
Robert Schroeder
Thomas M. Campbell