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Products>A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Jeremiah, Vol. 1 (ICC)

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Jeremiah, Vol. 1 (ICC)

, 1986
ISBN: 9780567164902

Digital Logos Edition

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For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series.

No attempt has been made to secure a uniform theological or critical approach to the biblical text: contributors have been invited for their scholarly distinction, not for their adherence to any one school of thought.

The depth of analysis found in the International Critical Commentary (ICC) Series has yet to be surpassed in any commentary collection. One of the best features of this series is the extensive amount of background information given in each volume's introduction, where all of the analysis is provided before the actual commentary begins. Each volume packs more information into the introduction than you will often find in the body of most commentaries! Also consider that with the electronic versions of each volume, you will never need to leaf through the hundreds of pages in each volume searching for the passage you are studying.

Add the entire International Critical Commentary Series (59 Volumes) to your digital library.

Top Highlights

“with the rejection of the word of Yahweh spoken by his servants the prophets and the sad consequences of this for Judah.” (Page 168)

“‘What is this that I have done?’, is offered as proof that the apostates have no inclination to change their evil ways. They are like a war-horse which has the scent of conflict, which is committed to the battle beyond recall and which will not be checked in the charge on which it has launched itself.” (Pages 183–184)

“Verses 14–16 are concerned with the stupidity of men, and the emptiness of their idols as compared with the reality of Yahweh: it is none other than the creator of the earth who has taken Israel into his special care (cf. vv. 6–7).” (Page 220)

“The verbs are more appropriate to those who worship idols or make them than they are to the idols themselves (cf. נבער in v. 14 and נבערו in v. 21).” (Page 220)

“It is arguable that we have a reverse creation narrative, an antitype which presupposes the existence of its type.” (Page 108)

...his work on the prophet Jeremiah (A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Jeremiah), in two large volumes published in 1986 [...] will perhaps be his most enduring legacy. In these volumes, McKane's skills achieve their ultimate expression: the rigorously high standards of scholarship he set himself and constantly strove to attain; his meticulous assembling of evidence from the ancient versions and the medieval commentaries; his innovative and influential theory of the "rolling canon"; his balanced presentation of different possibilities of interpretation.

The Independent

  • Title: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Jeremiah, Volume 1
  • Author: William McKane
  • Editors: John Adney Emerton, Charles E. B. Cranfield and Graham Norman Stanton
  • Publisher: T & T Clark
  • Publication Date: 1986
  • Pages: 1,396

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William McKane was Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental Languages in the University of St. Andrews.

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