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Products>Classic Commentaries and Studies on Genesis Upgrade (25 vols.)

Classic Commentaries and Studies on Genesis Upgrade (25 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

This product has been transferred from Community Pricing to Pre-Pub. The actual funding level may be lower than it appears, which could delay production. The amount of funding still needed will be evaluated and updated soon.

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Collection value: $238.77
Save $38.78 (16%)

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Get a complete set of tools for studying Genesis with the Classic Commentaries and Studies on Genesis Collection. It includes exegetical and grammatical handbooks, interlinears, commentaries, and theological monographs—all aimed at illuminating the meaning of Genesis, its literary structure, linguistic nuances, and theological implications. It balances modern and traditional perspectives, and it emphasizes the importance of the book’s historical origin and ancient literary culture for interpretation. This collection equips you to study every aspect of Genesis, understand it at a deeper level, and explain its stories and teachings clearly.

The Logos editions of the Classic Commentaries and Studies on Genesis Upgrade equips you for better study with cutting-edge functionality and features. Citations link directly to English translations and original-language texts, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. The Topic Guide lets you perform powerful searches to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Key Features

  • Provides multiple volumes on Genesis’ unique grammar and syntax
  • Presents both modern and traditional authorship theories
  • Emphasizes the importance of historical origin and ancient literary culture for interpreting Genesis
  • Includes interlinears, grammatical handbooks, and exegetical guides

Product Details

  • Title: Classic Commentaries and Studies on Genesis Upgrade
  • Volumes: 25
  • Pages: 8,987
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$28.98
* Your purchase includes this resource, which isn’t available yet. The resource will automatically download once it’s available.
Individual products included in this collection are currently sale priced. Purchasing the individual volumes in this collection may be more cost effective than purchasing the collection itself.

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  1. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    Logos has a lot of books left over from community pricing, like this set. But somebody decided to omit all the individual information on these books. And from what I've seen, they've done this with all these sets from CP. How do you expect people to buy all these books sight unseen? Please restore this information. I have been waiting for these books for 10 years now.
  2. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    Why is this still languishing in CP? I bid the highest possible bid. Deltizsch, Jacobus, Bush, Patrick, Gunkel, Knobel. Please get this done.
  3. Dr H

    Dr H


    Was is Dies!?! Why would Logos publish works untranslated from German for the primarily English speaking readers?
  4. Ken



    I found the first volume to view free online on Google books. I personally do not agree with it's interpretation of the creation account.


Collection value: $238.77
Save $38.78 (16%)

Gathering interest