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Products>Stanley E. Porter Language and Interpretation Collection (22 vols.)

Stanley E. Porter Language and Interpretation Collection (22 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $605.78
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Draw from a deep well of scholarly wisdom and linguistic expertise with the Stanley E. Porter Language and Interpretation Collection (24 vols.). As one of the world’s foremost experts in New Testament language and literature, Porter has been influencing NT studies as an author and editor for decades. This sizeable collection includes original works by Porter, six volumes from the well-respected Sheffield Reader Collection, as well as contributions from D.A. Carson, E.A. Nida, Craig A. Evans, and more. Students and scholars will appreciate volumes on discourse analysis, Greek idioms and rhetoric, the historical Jesus, translation and interpretation, the Synoptic Gospels, and resurrection studies.

  • Includes helpful volumes in the fields of language and Interpretation
  • Offers volumes on multiple areas of study creating a well-rounded and valuable collection
  • Incorporates the wisdom and insight of many well respected language scholars
  • Provides the perfect platform for anyone looking to further their language and interpretation knowledge in a myriad of subjects
  • Title: Stanley E. Porter Language and Interpretation Collection
  • Author: Stanley E. Porter
  • Volumes: 22
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {37C1605E-C188-429C-919F-8846A558C01A}
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$5,596.91

Stanley E. Porter (1956–) is a respected expert in Greek and New Testament studies. He received a BA from Point Loma College, an MA from Claremont Graduate School, another MA from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a PhD from the University of Sheffield.

Porter is best known for his works on verbal aspects in New Testament Greek. He is a respected expert in Greek and New Testament studies worldwide, and is actively involved in and the Linguistics Institute of Ancient and Biblical Greek. He is also a regular columnist for Christian Week.

Porter currently serves as president, dean, and professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College. He is the author or editor of numerous studies in the New Testament and Greek language, including Idioms of the Greek New Testament, Discourse Analysis and the New Testament: Approaches and Results, and Dictionary of New Testament Background.

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  1. Bryan T. Stephens
  2. J.R. Woods

    J.R. Woods


    I would say that in terms of understanding both the history and language of the New Testament you cannot get better than this set with Dr. Porter. He specialized in Verbal Aspect coming out of his dissertation (which is published with Peter Lang and is surprisingly NOT in this set), but has gone on to publish, team up with, and spend his entire career focusing on the linguistic skills of the Biblical education craft. The lesson is simply this--while theology is crucial in terms of belief, ethics, ministry, and views of God, Linguistic skills--i.e., application of criteria, methodology, conclusions and evaluation--remains as THE quintessential skill for biblical studies because as far as that original New Testament community goes--"the language is all we have left." (besides the archaeology of course but even that is a semiotic of culture). This is where historical criticism wanted to go but did not have the tools. So that is where rhetorical criticism tried to pick up the baton but could not make it past the text. Now Sociolinguistics--the study of languages as they function in society--has already begun to come out with some outstanding research of how this NT text would have found its expression in the original communities when taken in tandem with the Social-Scientific findings. (the reason Porter will instruct you in Systemic Functional Linguistics as opposed to say Chomskian or Typological approaches) I don't recommend it because its new. I recommend it for its depth of insight gained into the text of Scripture as a real-world communication between people facing life-altering issues. As far as I'm concerned there simply is no better way to spend your money. If they had offered this set when I first received my library, I would have started with this set, combed through its bibliography and expanded my library from there.


Collection value: $605.78
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