Digital Logos Edition
What is the relationship between Christianity and culture, between the church and the state, between the sacred and the secular? If every square inch of creation belongs to God—societies, cultures, politics, arts, knowledge—does such a secular context even exist? As a staunch supporter of Calvinism, an influential political leader, an astute theologian, and a widely-read journalist, Abraham Kuyper addresses these fundamental questions about the relationship between Christianity and culture from an unapologetically Reformed perspective.
The 3-volume Abraham Kuyper Collection includes Kuyper’s famous 1898 Stone Lectures on Calvinism at Princeton Theological Seminary, his Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology, and The Work of the Holy Spirit, a classic Reformed understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. His articles, sermons, and theological works contributed to the rise of Neocalvinism a century ago, and continue to speak to the most important issues of Reformed theology today. Kuyper’s impact continues to be felt in the writings of such notable figures as Francis Schaeffer, Cornelius Van Til, Alvin Plantinga, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Chuck Colson.
What’s more, with the advanced features of Logos Bible Software, it allows you to read the Abraham Kuyper Collection alongside other important Reformed theologians, such as John Calvin, John Owen, Herman Bavinck, B. B. Warfield, and Cornelius Van Til—along with the numerous other theologians with whom Kuyper’s work interacts. The works of the most influential Reformed theologians such as Abraham Kuyper have never been so accessible!
The reader will not fail to perceive the depth of [Abraham Kuyper’s] insight, the breadth of his outlook, the thoroughness of his method, the comprehensiveness of his survey, the intensity of his conviction, the eloquence of his language, the directness of his style, the pith and wealth of his illustrations, the force, completeness, and winningness of his presentation.
—B. B. Warfield
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Abraham Kuyper was born in 1837 in Maasslius in the Netherlands. He studied at the University of Leiden, and received his doctorate there in 1863. He became a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in 1863, and consistently called for the separation of church and state. He also led a succession from the Dutch Reformed Church and united several disparate Reformed churches in the Netherlands. In 1880, he founded the Free University in Amsterdam and served as a professor of theology. At the invitation of B. B. Warfield, Kuyper traveled to the United States to deliver the Stone Lectures at Princeton and address Reformed congregations in Michigan and Iowa.
Kuyper also led an active political life. He served as a member of Parliament in the Netherlands beginning in 1874 and served as prime minister from 1901–1905.
Abraham Kuyper was instrumental in the development of Neocalvinism, and is remembered for his articulation of common grace and for popularizing the notion of a Reformed worldview. He has influenced such notable figures as Francis Schaeffer, Cornelius Van Til, Alvin Plantinga, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Chuck Colson.
Abraham Kuyper died in 1920.
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Forrest Cole
Andrew Anderson
Dr. Paul B. Conor
Prayson Daniel
Bentley Crawford
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Phil Gons