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Products>Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.)

Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $859.82
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The Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary (HK) series is composed for the benefit of serious Bible students and pastors who want the insight of quality evangelical scholarship communicated with clarity. Each volume offers fresh translation, repetition of the text before each exegetical unit, verse-by-verse comments and applications, critical notes on the Greek text, and chapter summaries. Extensive bibliographies and indexes of authors, Scripture, and other ancient writings enhance the usefulness of each volume.

Begun by William Hendriksen, the Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary (HK) series has earned the acclaim and respect of Reformed and evangelical scholars and pastors. Since Hendriksen's death in 1982, the series has been continued by Simon J. Kistemaker. Four of the volumes compiled by Kistemaker earned the Gold Medallion Award (Hebrews, James and the Epistles of John, Acts, and 1 Corinthians). The series was completed in 2001 with the publication of Revelation).

Please Note: In order to differentiate between the second person singular and the second person plural, the publisher indicated the former as follows: “you”; and the latter as follows: “y o u.” The digital edition follows this innovation.

If you own the New Testament Commentaries...nothing more needs to be said. If you do not own them, you should--that is, if you are a serious student of Scripture.

The Reformed Review

The Bible student who possesses [these] commentaries can dispense with many other books.

—J.C. Maris, Reformation Quarterly

In the area of commentaries, four names which belong at the top of any man’s list find no mention at all. John Calvin, J.A. Alexander, Charles Hodge, and William Hendriksen represent a stream of scholarly, practical, and theological exposition of the New Testament from the reformation to the present. Any preacher who has worked without them should work through his same texts again with them.

—O. Palmer Robertson, Westminster Theological Seminary

  • Title: Baker’s New Testament Commentary | HK (18 vols.)
  • Authors: William Hendriksen, Simon J. Kistemaker
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 1953-2001
  • Volumes: 18
  • Pages: 9,671
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {4E4D42A4-D198-415B-BA46-386615D0307F}

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William Hendriksen (Th. D., Princeton Theological Seminary) was professor of New Testament literature at Calvin Theological Seminary.

Simon J. Kistemaker (Ph. D., Free University, Amsterdam) is professor emeritus of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.

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51 ratings

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  1. NathanL



    Definitely worth owning this set!
  2. Elvin Bruno

    Elvin Bruno


    Great commentary with helpful Theological insight! Highly recommended.
  3. Natan Aioanei

    Natan Aioanei


  4. Steve



    In the book of Revelation, this commentator makes an ugly - and erroneous - comment on a passage which reflects a terrible aspect of church history. That aspect is the persecution of the Jews as Christ-killers. In reference to the letter to Philadelphia v. 9 states: "Look, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan and who call themselves Jews and are not but are lying ..." Kistemaker writes: "The two congregations of Smyrna and Philadelphia are the only two of the seven that make specific reference to the Jewish people, their synagogue, and their master Satan." John clearly does NOT say that all Jews are servants of Satan. Rather, he writes the opposite: "the synagogue of Satan and who call themselves Jews and are not but are lying ..." The apostle is saying that FALSE Jews are servants Satan. They call themselves Jews but are not! Will Christians never learn? As a believing Jew, I've had quite a bit of trouble with these sick anti-Semites. This is why I'm so sensitive to this sort of talk. What's worst about this statement is that it comes from a Christian scholar. I do not blame Faithlife for selling this set. They simply cannot read everything prior to publishing it. But if you want to go beyond being a mere Christian intellectual to being a practitioner, you may want to know what kind of author you'll be reading before making the purchase.
  5. Bill Nelson

    Bill Nelson


  6. Marcio Campos

    Marcio Campos


    Qual a finalidade de vender esse comentário no Brasil? O site Logos Brasileiro já tem esse comentário em português.
  7. Eduardo Reyes
  8. Marcus Baird

    Marcus Baird


    Great commentaries! Great price as well.
  9. Martin Tabačan
    The best commentaries what I can use!
  10. Ken Weiler

    Ken Weiler


    Excellent commentaries!


Collection value: $859.82
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