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Products>The Cross of Christ (with audio)

The Cross of Christ (with audio)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $34.98
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“I could never myself believe in God, if it were not for the cross . . . In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune to it?” With compelling honesty John Stott examines the centerpiece of the Christian faith in this classic study. He explores a crucial question: why should an object of Roman distaste and Jewish disgust be the emblem of our worship and the axiom of our faith? And what does it mean for us today?

A contemporary restatement of the meaning of the cross, this is theology at its best. At the cross Stott finds the majesty and love of God disclosed, as well as the sin and bondage of the world exposed. Written with great warmth and insight, Stott’s work is the product of a uniquely gifted pastor, scholar, and Christian statesman. More than a study of the atonement, this book brings Scripture into living dialogue with Christian theology and the twentieth century. And what emerges is a powerful pattern for Christian life in worship, hope, and mission. The richness of this masterwork is sure to feed both heart and mind. This product includes both the audio and Logos edition of The Cross of Christ.

  • Offers theologically rich insights in a conversational tone
  • Remains biblically precise, thoughtful, thorough, and filled with practical passion
  • Explores the perspective of Jesus on the centrality of the cross
  • Approaching the Cross
    • The Centrality of the Cross
    • Why Did Christ Die?
    • Looking below the Surface
  • The Heart of the Cross
    • The Problem of Forgiveness
    • Satisfaction for Sin
    • The Self-Substitution of God
  • The Achievement of the Cross
    • The Salvation of Sinners
    • The Revelation of God
    • The Conquest of Evil
  • Living under the Cross
    • The Community of Celebration
    • Self-Understanding and Self-Giving
    • Loving Our Enemies
    • Suffering and Glory
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$34.98

John Robert Walmsley Stott, is an English Christian leader and Anglican clergyman who is noted as a leader of the worldwide evangelical movement. He is notable as one of the principal authors of the Lausanne Covenant in 1974. In 2005, Time magazine ranked Stott among the 100 most influential people in the world.

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  1. JoshInRI



    I would consider buying this with the audio except for the disclaimer that the app does not know where it left off if you leave off listening. God bless those working to fix this mistake or app.


Collection value: $34.98
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