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Products>The NET Bible: Full Notes Edition (1st ed.)

The NET Bible: Full Notes Edition (1st ed.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



The NET Bible is a modern English version, with over 60,000 footnotes that help explain the translation. It's a completely new way to approach translation, in that the translators themselves justify the words they choose with careful explanation and provide bibliographic, linguistic and textual support for those words. The NET Bible allows you to read and study with multiple features including search capacity and the ability to parallel scroll the footnotes with the text.

The product will download as three separate resources for the text and the notes.

Be sure to check out the updated and revised The NET Bible: Full Notes Edition (2nd ed.).

  • A clear and accurate translation of the Bible into modern English
  • Contains over 60,000 footnotes that help explain the translation
  • Continuously updated, The NET Bible is an invaluable resource for pastors, missionaries, students, scholars, and translators
  • Completely interactive with your Logos library
The extensive and reliable notes in The NET Bible were a wonderful help to our translation team as we worked to prepare the English Standard Version.

—Wayne Grudem, Member of Translation Oversight Committee, ESV

There are many wonderful things I could say about The NET Bible, but the most important is this: The NET Bible is a Bible you can trust. The translation is clear, accurate, and powerful. And the notes, those wonderful notes! They bring to the layman scholarly insights and discussions that have up till now been accessible only to those trained in the biblical languages. If you are serious about studying Scripture, get a copy of The NET Bible.

—Chuck Swindoll

The NET Bible is ingenious. Its continuously updated translation, supported by an array of quality footnotes on the original languages, will be an invaluable resource for pastors, missionaries and well-trained laymen. Bringing instant access to the best research with just a few clicks, The NET Bible has truly brought a visionary form to a timeless function. It’s a great step in the Church's preparation for the next millennium.

—Gene Getz, President of the Center for Church Renewal

This is an excellent tool, a model of conciseness. It should be useful for students, translators, and those preparing to teach or preach in the church.

—William R. Farmer, Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Southern Methodist University

This Bible is a triumph: a straightforward and accurate translation that is also elegant. The annotations are much fuller and more helpful than in other popular translations, and the production of a constantly-improving electronic text brings Bible reading and Bible study into the new millennium.

—Philip R. Davies, Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies of The University of Sheffield

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118 ratings

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  1. Harold Powell

    Harold Powell


  2. Mark Wilson

    Mark Wilson


    QUESTION- in the Overview it states that "The NET Bible allows you to read and study with multiple features including search capacity and the ability to parallel scroll the footnotes with the text" However, I've not found a way to scroll the footnotes, nor have a found anywhere a listing of the "multiple features" So for now, based on my in ability to find and use the Full Note feature I'm sadly only giving this title only 2 stars (though will happily update it later if/when I figure things out ... next stop YouTube)
  3. JDNJ



  4. Mike Powers

    Mike Powers


  5. Steven L. Gravett
  6. Joshua Tan

    Joshua Tan


  7. Chad W Smith

    Chad W Smith


  8. Samuel Watson

    Samuel Watson


  9. Nelson



  10. Michael Chan

    Michael Chan


    When will the 2nd edition with notes become available digitally? I see that in Ps 116:8, our version of NET is missing part of the verse "kept my eyes from tears" Thank you.
