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Products>The Romans Collection (125 vols.)

The Romans Collection (125 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $1,945.60
Save $945.61 (48%)
Starting at $68.48/mo at checkout


Get everything you need to take your study of Romans to the next level. The Romans Collection features the renowned commentaries from Pillar, the New American Commentary, the College Press NIV Commentary, the Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, the International Critical Commentary, and many, many more. Including classics by Charles Hodge, John Calvin, Henry Cowles, J.B. Lightfoot, Charles Gore, and Albert Barnes as well as modern commentaries by N.T. Wright, Craig S. Keener, R.C. Sproul, Leon Morris, and Ben Witherington III, this collection goes above and beyond merely commenting on Paul’s words—it provides an intense, thorough, and all-encompassing library of the textual history, theological implications, cultural background, contemporary application, and denominational interpretations of each verse of Romans.

With over 90 commentaries in this collection encompassing a wide scope of Christian traditions, this collection will fill your Passage Guide and Sermon Starter Guide to the brim when you search on any verse or chapter of Romans. More than 40 of these volumes were published recently (within the past 40 years), giving you a great deal of modern scholarship.

  • Over 90 Logos-enriched commentaries on Romans, and over 40,000 pages of commentary
  • Ben Witherington III, Leon Morris, N.T. Wright, Craig S. Keener, Robert Mounce, R.C. Sproul, John Calvin, Charles Gore, Frédérick Louis Godet—and many, many more!
  • Dozens of Christian perspectives, biblical commentary, Pauline studies, sermons and lectures
  • Stand-alone volumes that study Paul’s legalistic thought, the socio-historical backdrop to Romans, the history of interpretation of Romans, and more
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$3,146.89

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3 ratings

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  1. diederick pütter
    this compilation consists mostly of ancient works.
  2. Michael Lee Fetzer
  3. Sean Emslie

    Sean Emslie


    Still missing one of the most important recent works on Romans, The Mystery of Romans by Mark Nanos, one of the most important current Pauline Scholars. Nanos as a Jewish scholar looks at the Jewish world and context of Paul in a way that is unmatched by Christian scholars. Nanos also followed up with The Irony of Galatians, another book that needs to be added to the Logos Library.
  4. Unix



    A ⅓ of it is interesting, 16,198 pages, which with my dynamic pricing is ¢4.5 a page. (I have for example On Romans and Other New Testament Essays by Cranfield and L5 Bronze since before.) Besides many of the modern commentaries, the following: The Epistle to the Romans by Moule (1928), Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Hodge (1882), The Great Texts of the Bible by Hastings (1911), The Annotated Bible, vol. 7: Romans to Ephesians by Gaebelein (1922), Gnomon of the New Testament by Bengel (1742), Preacher’s Homiletic Commentary by Burrows (1892), Reading Romans in Pompeii, Introducing Romans: Critical Issues in Paul’s Most Famous Letter by Longenecker, Romans through History and Culture Series, Between Horror and Hope by Sabou


Collection value: $1,945.60
Save $945.61 (48%)
Starting at $68.48/mo at checkout