Digital Logos Edition
Recognized as a masterly commentary when it first appeared, Frederick Dale Bruner’s study of Matthew is now available as a greatly revised and expanded two-volume work -- the result of seven years of careful refinement, enrichment, and updating.
Through this commentary, crafted especially for teachers, pastors, and Bible students, Bruner aims "to help God’s people love what Matthew’s Gospel says." Bruner’s work is at once broadly historical and deeply theological. It is historical in drawing extensively on great church teachers through the centuries and on the classical Christian creeds and confessions. It is theological in that it unpacks the doctrines in each passage, chapter, and section of the Gospel. Consciously attempting to bridge past and present, Bruner asks both what Matthew’s Gospel said to its first hearers and what it says to readers today. As a result, his commentary is profoundly relevant to contemporary congregations and to those who guide them.
Bruner’s commentary is replete with lively, verse by verse discussion of Matthew’s text. While each chapter expounds a specific topic or doctrine, the book’s format consists of a vivid, original translation of the text followed by faithful exegesis and critical analysis, a survey of historical commentary on the text, and current applications of the text or theme under study. In this revision Bruner continues to draw on the best in modern scholarship -- including recent work by W. D. Davies and Dale C. Allison Jr., by Ulrich Luz, and by many others -- adding new voices to the reading of Matthew. At the same time he cites the classic commentaries of Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Bengel, and the rest, who, like Bruner himself, were not simply doctrinal teachers but also careful exegetes of Scripture. Such breadth and depth of learning assure that Bruner’s Matthew will remain, as a reviewer for Interpretation wrote, "the most dog-eared commentary on the shelf."
Volume 2 of Bruner’s commentary is called The Churchbook because Bruner sees Matthew 13–28 as concerned primarily with the life of the church and discipleship. Continuing his Volume 1 Christbook exposition, Bruner shows here how the focus of Matthew shifts, from Jesus teaching about who he is to teaching mainly about what his church is. Bruner’s Churchbook commentary divides the second half of Matthew according to its major ecclesiological themes: the church’s faith (chapters 13–17), the church’s love (18–20), the church’s history (21–23), the church’s hope (24–25), and the church’s passion (26–28).
Eminently readable, rich in biblical insight, and ecumenical in tone, Bruner’s two-volume commentary on Matthew now stands among the best in the field.
Check out more commentaries from Eerdmans with the Eerdmans Commentary Collection (13 vols.).
“perhaps the most crucial teaching of Jesus about his self-understanding and [his] conception of his mission” (Page 335)
“Peter has not learned that leadership in the church is not first of all a matter of doing things for Jesus; it is first of all letting Jesus speak, and then doing the things he says we are to do—that is, it is first expository preaching and teaching and then the obediences they elicit.” (Page 169)
“Apparently in Jesus’ opinion a little child is the best definition of a great person. It is not so much the child’s subjective innocence or purity that is in view as it is the child’s objective smallness and low status. The child, in the opinion of Jesus’ culture, had to limit itself to listening and obeying (Bonnard, 268).” (Page 208)
“Six days were considered the number of days necessary to prepare for a holy event in Israel: Creation had prepared six days for the institution of the Sabbath (Gen 1); Moses waited six days on Sinai for the glory of the Lord (Exod 24:16). And now another six days bring the Transfiguration of God’s Son.” (Page 165)
“The only cures for spiritual pride are a greater sense of grace and a keener openness to divine warning, both of which this story delivers.” (Page 320)
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Frederick Dale Bruner is George and Lyda Wasson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Whitworth University and scholar in residence at Fuller Theological Seminary. His other books include A Theology of the Holy Spirit.
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