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Products>The Biblical Illustrator: New Testament Collection (31 vols.)

The Biblical Illustrator: New Testament Collection (31 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $322.24
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Enhance your sermons with insights from some of history’s greatest preachers and theologians. The Biblical Illustrator series includes excerpts from Augustine, J.C. Ryle, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, and more. A verse-by-verse commentary compiled by Joseph S. Exell, this collection includes analysis on every book of the New Testament. See how respected preachers crafted sermons on a given passage, and use their insights for your own. Find practical, relevant points of application. Make your sermons come alive with vivid illustrations from the likes of Charles Spurgeon and D.L. Moody. Access commentary from numerous authors in a single place. The Biblical Illustrator provides the content you need to craft high-quality sermons: commentary, illustrations, outlines, and more.

Key Features

  • Includes contributions from celebrated preachers and theologians
  • Covers the entire New Testament
  • Provides commentary, illustrations, application, and outline suggestions

Product Details

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  • $4,749.99$4,037.49
  • $4,749.99$4,037.49
  • $15,739.84$4,720.99
  • $23,999.99$20,399.99
Value if sold separately
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Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$837.44

About Joseph S. Exell

Joseph S. Exell (1849–1910) was a preacher and theologian. He was editor The Men of the Bible, The Pulpit Commentary, and The Preacher’s Homiletic Library commentaries.


8 ratings

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  1. Pitrell



    This collection of comments is extraordinary. Simply extraordinary. Insanely comprehensive, profound and illuminating different points of view. It is an absolute treasure and the collection would certainly be much more expensive if the copyright had not already expired. Go and get it!
  2. Gregory Kavonius
    I love it and have a copy of the Old and New Testament Biblical Illustrator on my Biblesoft Discipleship series software. Biblesoft followed all of the spacing and formatting the contributors provided. I will have to say I am very surprised at how much it cost in Logos. But I can only imagine all the work they had to do to link thorough out the bible. For those who dislike the spacing, try copying and pasting into your favorite word processor. I know it's a pain, but it will be worth it in the end. For now be an encourager pray that Logos will put on their to do list to correct.
  3. J-P O

    J-P O


  4. Celestino Lanza
  5. Denver Shelton

    Denver Shelton


  6. Isaac Gould

    Isaac Gould


    Certainly a valuable resource, but the format leaves a lot to be desired. In a printed book it makes sense to cram in as much text per page as you can, but it's hard to read. In the digital format Logos missed the opportunity to enhance readability by breaking up some of the lines and differentiating formatting. We have here a nice replica of the print edition's gargantuan paragraphs, but there are much more readable versions of this public domain resource available.
  7. Pastor Benjamen S. Long, DMin
    Finally, it's on the "horizon"...
  8. Rev. Dr. George J. Gatgounis, Esq.
    Alas! One of the "Logos moments" for which I have been waiting! This cornucopia of homiletic input has regularly been my last phase of sermon preparation. Never have I consulted it without a new fanning of the flame ... this set is fire! Let it set you on fire, and, like John Wesley said, let others come watch you burn ...
  9. Howard Johnson
    Did Acts fall out the ship
  10. Don Smith

    Don Smith


    This is supposed to be the complete NT. However I do not see the book of Acts included. Why is that?


Collection value: $322.24
Save $65.25 (20%)
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