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Products>The C.S. Lewis Collection (30 vols.)

The C.S. Lewis Collection (30 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $463.72
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C.S. Lewis, the beloved writer of such Christian classics as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, has come to Logos! Analyzing such wide ranging subjects as the idea of love in medieval literature or the reign of relativism among the post-Christian West, Lewis’ works have touched audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Beginning life as a student with a knack for storytelling, he went on to Oxford to study classical literature. Although an atheist, Lewis eventually embraced Christianity and began writing about the Christian faith.

The C.S. Lewis Collection presents his finest material, including Miracles, The Weight of Glory, A Grief Observed, and his science fiction epic The Space Trilogy. His various writings on literature and language are also featured, such as his famous work The Allegory of Love, a study on courtly love in the Middle Ages. The C.S. Lewis Collection also contains his collected letters, spanning over 3,000 pages, and various devotional resources that gather the best of Lewis’ writing in one place.

  • Delivers C.S. Lewis’ greatest works
  • Offers commentary on the doctrine of God, evil, suffering, and the nature of truth
  • Contains the complete collection of Lewis’ letters

In the C. S. Lewis Collection, readers will have a wide range of works by Lewis on many unique and deeply theological subjects.

For example, they will have the first book C. S. Lewis wrote after his conversion, The Pilgrim's Regress, about a pilgrim named John whose travels to an enchanting island create an intense longing for something more. Though fiction, it portrays Lewis' personal search for meaning and spiritual satisfaction in narrative form.

They'll also have The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition at their fingertips, the work that kicked off Lewis' academic career. In The Allegory of Love, readers will explore "courtly love" and the allegorical method—from eleventh–century Languedoc through sixteenth-century England. Lewis devotes considerable attention in this work to The Romance of the Rose and The Faerie Queene and poets like Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, and Thomas Usk.

Owners of this collection will enjoy reading some of Lewis' science fiction works like Out of the Silent Planet, Lewis' first novel in his classic and beloved science fiction trilogy. In it readers will discover mystical creatures, a world of marvels, wars, and otherworldly realities.

Plus, they'll dive into some of Lewis' most famous works, like his chilling Screwtape Letters, a fictional collection of letters from a "tempter" named Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood. In the letters, Screwtape advises his nephew on how best to tempt a person into sin and, eventually, hell—a challenge for all believers to consider what is happening behind the thin veil separating us from the unseen world.

And in Miracles, Lewis challenges rationalists, agnostics, and deists and affirms miracles still occur today. Lewis uses the primary example of the incarnation to support his argument, which he says prepares the way for every other miracle.

Finally, they'll read Lewis' reflections on the Narnia chronicles, one of his most beloved works of all, in A Year with Aslan: Daily Reflections from the Chronicles of Narnia

Many other titles are available in the collection, allowing readers to explore the multiple topics and teachings Lewis offers.

The 30-volume C. S. Lewis Collection is chock-full of some of Lewis' most beloved and popular resources, allowing readers to explore his views on topics ranging from love and loss, pain and grief, miracles and the supernatural. Below are only a few examples:

  • In Miracles, readers will explore the most incredible miracle of all and why it sets a precedent for every miracle after.
  • In A Grief Observed, readers will learn about the process the human brain and mind go through when a person is grieving and whether or not returning to normal after a painful loss is even possible this side of heaven.
  • In The Problem of Pain, readers will learn Lewis' argument against human pain, animal pain, and hell as reason to reject belief in a good and powerful God
  • In The Screwtape Letters, readers will learn the chilling possibility of what could be happening beyond the thin veil separating humans from the unseen, spiritual world through the fictional account of a head demon training up a lesser demon on how to tempt humans.
  • In The Great Divorce, readers will dive head first into an allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven and consider what Lewis perceives of good and evil, grace and judgment.
  • And more
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$463.72

Clive Staples Lewis (1898 – 1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a fellow and tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than 30 books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classic Mere Christianity.

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33 ratings

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  1. Daniel Olivier
    Will this ever be on special ??? (hint hint )
  2. David Snead

    David Snead


    Doesn't have Narnia
  3. Arnie Abens

    Arnie Abens


  4. Josh Tissot

    Josh Tissot


  5. Stephen Brown
  6. JD Hargett

    JD Hargett


  7. Matt Hamrick

    Matt Hamrick


  8. Mr. Larry D Russell
  9. Eric Slack

    Eric Slack


  10. Phil Niebergall


Collection value: $463.72
Save $63.73 (13%)
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