Digital Logos Edition
For more than a century, the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge has set the standard for biblical and theological reference works. Over a period of nearly four decades, nearly 100 editors and more than 600 scholars under the editorship of Philip Schaff collaborated to write the most detailed and comprehensive biblical and theological encyclopedia in the English language.
Using the Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche, edited by Johann Jakob Herzog, as its model, Philip Schaff aims to give readers “all the information needed to pursue any subject to its roots.” For the first time in this third edition, Schaff successfully brought together into a singular reference work the most important scholarship from biblical studies, historical and doctrinal theology, archaeology, geography, church history, patristics, and comparative religion. The resulting work ranks among the best-selling and most-cited Christian reference materials, and has been the first stop for pastors, teachers, parents, students, and scholars for more than a century.
With your digital library, you can get even more out of this massive reference work! Searches in Logos will pull from articles and entries in the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and all scripture references within the encyclopedia link directly to your Greek and Hebrew texts and English translations. What’s more, the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge provides secondary sources for many of the primary texts already in your digital library, giving you instant access to secondary literature, definitions, and bibliographic materials for your research projects, sermon preparation, and Bible study. The value of your entire library will be enhanced by the digital version of one of the largest biblical and theological reference works ever published!
“Clement VII. (Robert, Count of Geneva): Antipope 1378–94. He was a canon in Paris, bishop of Thérouanne, and finally cardinal. The French cardinals who deserted Urban VI. chose him pope at Fondi. He soon lost hope of maintaining himself in Italy, and returned to Avignon. The struggle between the rival claimants is narrated under Urban VI. Its course was unfavorable to Clement, in spite of His attempts by seductive promises to stir up Louis of Anjou and Charles VI., and he died, no nearer the goal of his ambition, Sept. 16, 1394.” (Volume 3, Page 133)
“MODALISM: The doctrine, first set forth by Sabellius, that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were not three distinct personalities, but only three different modes of manifestation. See Antitrinitarianism; Christology; Monarchianism; Sabellianism; and Trinity.” (Volume 7, Page 428)
“GRESSMANN, grês′mɑ̄n*, HUGO: German Protestant; b. at Mölln (17 m. s. of Lübeck) Mar. 21, 1877. He was educated at the universities of Greifswald, Göttingen, Marburg, and Kiel (Ph.D., Göttingen, 1900), and since 1902 has been privat-docent for Old Testament exegesis and Syriac at the University of Kiel. He has written Ueber die in Jesaia 56–66 vorausgesetzten zeitgeschichtlichen Verhältnisse (Göttingen, 1899); Studien zu Eusebs Theophanie (Leipsic, 1903); Ursprung der israelitischjüdischen Eschatologie (Göttingen, 1905); and Das Evangelium Markus (1907; in collaboration with E. Klostermann).” (Volume 5, Page 76)
“According to Paul (Rom. 6:1–11; Col. 2:11, 12; Gal. 3:26, 27; 1 Cor. 12:13; 6:11; Eph. 5:26; Tit. 3:5), baptism secures purification from sins, the putting off of the sinful body of the flesh, mortification of sin, renewal of life, regeneration, the power of the Holy Spirit, communion with the life of Christ, incorporation into the mystical body of Christ, the Church.” (Volume 1, Page 436)
Indispensable . . . the best reference work in the entire field.
—Homiletic Review
. . .a theological library in itself.
—Westminster Theological Journal
The usefulness of this encyclopedia is to be found in its comprehensiveness. No extant work can match this. It is also particularly strong in biography, where it will be found an invaluable aid to investigation into the lives of the worthies of the past.
—Bibliotheca Sacra
This work is not a mere reprint. It is enlarged to nearly three times the size. . . . It includes a full line of Bible Dictionary articles, but includes much more—histories of religions and of religious denominations and societies and movements and work, articles on religious organization and pedagogy, the biographies of men, living and dead . . . discussions of doctrine and writings, data of comparative religion. . . . The makeup of these volumes is excellent, and the mechanical work fine.
—Princeton Review
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