Digital Logos Edition
Enrich your study of early English history with over 25,000 historical documents and literary works. Spanning from the first works mass produced in English to the end of the seventeenth century, this collection provides insight into sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature, politics, and culture.
Comprising the 25,000 most-cited texts from the Early English Books Online archive, this collection peers into the development of Western culture and the Anglo-American world.
Examine early editions of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Malory’s Morte d’Arthur, and the plays of William Shakespeare. Engage with Renaissance-era translations of ancient Greek and Roman works of literature. Trace history and politics with royal statutes and proclamations, military, religious, legal, and Parliamentary documents. Experience the beauty of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century ballads, poetry, and romances. Explore religious thought with sermons, homilies, liturgies, and commentaries.
Logos’ features help you go deeper in your study. Search your entire library or a single resource for every mention of “Guy Fawkes.” Study related texts together, scrolling side-by-side. Keep your research organized—all of your notes and highlights sync across devices. Plus, you can automatically cite your sources. With Logos, the most efficient research tools are in one place, so you get more from history’s greatest works.
This large collection of texts is batch-processed from high-quality transcriptions created as part of an academic archival process. The large number of texts, and the smaller market for each individual text, means that Logos cannot yet give individual attention to each document the way we do for most Logos Editions. The batch-processing will tag Bible references present in standard formats and perform limited tagging, but most texts will not get individual attention or editorial work. You will find untagged references, antiquated spelling, and literal presentation of archaic conventions in writing and typesetting. In time we hope to revisit these texts (based on use and our continuing maintenance program) and add more tagging and editorial work.
You might also be interested in the Library of Early American History (4,977 docs.).
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Joshua Smith
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Junho Hwang
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Prem Gulati
Glenn Dire
David Groseth
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Jeff Straub
David J. Wilson
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