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Products>Louis Berkhof Collection (15 vols.)

Louis Berkhof Collection (15 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $104.85
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The 15-volume Louis Berkhof Collection contains important works on theology, social issues, education, and politics from one of the twentieth century’s leading Reformed thinkers. Berkhof’s Systematic Theology, included in this collection, is one of the most widely cited theological works in recent decades. His works on biblical interpretation have become classics in Reformed hermeneutics, and his extensive writings on social issues, politics, education, and other issues are enormously influential and widely consulted.

Berkhof was known for his clarity and brevity. He was a master teacher and prolific writer. His works have attained near-universal use in seminaries across the world, and are widely cited and regularly consulted by pastors, theologians, and students of countless denominational affiliations and theological traditions. Berkhof articulated confessional, Reformed theology against the extremes of fundamentalism and liberalism, and crafted a middle way between a purely social Gospel on the one hand and an “other-worldly” spiritualism on the other. He also defined and defended a Reformed hermeneutic of Scripture, forged in the tradition of B.B. Warfield’s doctrine of biblical inspiration.

With the Logos Bible Software edition of these important works by Louis Berkhof, all Scripture references are directly linked to the original language texts and English translations in your library. This edition also allows you to perform topical and subject searches within Berkhof’s works, and the extensive links from Berkhof’s works to other works of Reformed theology make the electronic edition ideal for research and study. The Logos edition makes Berkhof’s works more accessible than ever for reading, research, and classroom use. This collection is a must-have for students, scholars, and pastors.

  • The Systematic Theology
  • Berkhof’s works on hermeneutics and biblical interpretation
  • Works on social issues, education, politics, and more
  • All Scripture references linked to original language texts and English Bible translations in your digital library
There are a number of systematic textbooks that have appeared since Louis Berkhof wrote, but nobody, it seems to me, matches Berkhof for his skill in saying much, very straightforwardly in a small space. He goes to the heart of every truth. He says it quickly . . . what Berkhof gives you is constantly, point after point, good stuff.

J. I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College

A great treasure-house of information and analysis . . . probably the most useful . . . systematic theology available from any theological perspective.

Wayne Grudem, Research Professor, Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary

. . . The best modern English-language introduction to doctrinal theology of the Reformed tradition.

Richard Muller, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary

  • Title: Louis Berkhof Collection (15 vols.)
  • Author: Louis Berkhof
  • Volumes: 15
  • Pages: 3,052
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$9.99

Louis Berkhof was born in 1873 in the Netherlands, and emigrated with his family to West Michigan in 1882. In 1893, he began attending the Theological School of the Christian Reformed Church (now Calvin Theological Seminary), where he studied under Hendericus Beuker and was influenced by the writings of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck. Berkhof graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1900 and became the pastor of First Christian Reformed Church in Allendale, Michigan. He attended Princeton Theological Seminary from 1902 to 1904, where he studied under B.B. Warfield and Geerhardus Vos. H. Henry Meeter, a friend of Berkhof, remarked that “Berkhof frequently said that he owed more to Vos than anyone else for his insights into Reformed theology” (Reformed Theology in America, 156).

Berkfhof returned to Michigan in 1904 and became pastor of Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. In 1906, he was appointed professor of exegetical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary, and in 1926, became professor of dogmatic theology. He also delivered the Stone Lectures at Princeton in 1921. On September 9, 1931, Berkhof became president of Calvin Theological Seminary, where he served until his retirement in 1944. During his lifetime, he wrote prolifically, including numerous volumes on theology, social issues, politics, education, and missions. In addition to his books, he also published countless articles in Reformed periodicals, such as The Banner, De Wachter, and the Calvin Forum. He also served as the first president of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod in 1946.

Louis Berkhof died in 1957.


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  1. Kevin Bratcher
  2. Allan Story

    Allan Story


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  4. Allen Haynie

    Allen Haynie


  5. Philip Dakota Melton
  6. Denver Race

    Denver Race


  7. James Ogle

    James Ogle


  8. RevSarge



  9. Phil Gons

    Phil Gons


    A great collection of works by one of last century's most important Reformed systematicians.


Collection value: $104.85
Save $24.86 (23%)