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Products>Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle (62 vols.)

Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle (62 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $1,766.42
Save $266.43 (15%)
Starting at $80.98/mo at checkout

Study the New Testament with Innovative Resources

The Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle includes 62 volumes designed to help you study the New Testament. You’ll get original Greek texts, English translations, volumes from the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary, the Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary, the Osborne New Testament Commentaries, and much more! The titles contained in this bundle comprise some of the most fundamental resources needed for studying the New Testament in Logos Bible Software.

Want to apply this same level of study to the Old Testament? Check out the Lexham Press Old Testament Studies Bundle (38 vols.)

Product Details

  • Title: Lexham Press New Testament Studies Bundle
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Volumes: 62

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Total value if sold separately:$406.80

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  1. Tinitale Saulala
    really nice


Collection value: $1,766.42
Save $266.43 (15%)
Starting at $80.98/mo at checkout