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Products>Apologetics Collection (36 vols.)

Apologetics Collection (36 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $561.14
Save $171.15 (30%)
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Get equipped to address some of the toughest questions facing Christianity with an array of robust cases for biblical faith. Fill in the gaps of your library with 36 volumes carefully curated to cover diverse issues and important debates in apologetics.

The Apologetics Collection gathers resources that help you engage with a full range of topics in the field—from contemporary ethical issues such as abortion, to the historical Jesus debate, to the basics of the apologetic schools. Learn how to defend the faith to those of other religions, examine the depths of implication and importance in the Resurrection, answer the “new atheism,” tackle enduring human questions such as suffering, and more. You’ll add essential voices in the conversation with contributions from trusted authors like Alister McGrath, Norman Geisler, Peter Kreeft, and Gary Habermas.

Round out and refresh your library in one stop with this collection. Packed with insights into defending the faith and understanding current debates, this collection is an essential resource for pastors, teachers, and laypeople seeking sure footing in the apologetics arena.

  • Gathers 36 volumes of top apologetics resources
  • Equips you to address tough questions facing Christianity
  • Covers a wide range of topics in apologetics
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$532.14

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  1. Yung-Hsing Samson Hsu
  2. JD Hargett

    JD Hargett


  3. Marshall Shorts
  4. Larry Liddiard


Collection value: $561.14
Save $171.15 (30%)
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