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Products>The Pulpit Commentary (77 vols.)

The Pulpit Commentary (77 vols.)

, 1909–1919

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $686.72
Save $586.73 (85%)

The Pulpit Bible Commentary Online

Veteran preachers already know the value of this best-selling commentary set, but it's also perfect for lay leaders. Far more than just a simple commentary, it provides an unrivaled range of homiletic helps that go a long way toward presenting the biblical text in a Sunday school lesson, sermon, or Bible study. The Pulpit Commentary covers every book of the Bible, with at least three treatments of every verse.

One of the largest commentary sets of its kind, this work gives a verse-by-verse exposition and translation, as well as historical and geographical information. It is followed by a homiletics section, homilies by numerous authors, a homiletical index to the Bible, and a complete general index volume. More details below!

NOTE: The version of The Pulpit Commentary available for Logos Bible Software is the Public Domain edition, not the Hendrickson Publishers edition.

Taken together, three treatments of each passage provide a detailed outline of key concepts in the passage, while imparting a rich sense of biblical context—providing context for both the immediate book and the larger themes of Scripture.


Commentary on the passage, with exegetical, interpretive, theological, historical, and geographical observations.


A guide for preaching or teaching through the passage, with personal application, devotional insights, and observations about the rhetorical structure of the passage.


Actual sermons from various contributors, covering a couple of verses or a pericope. Typically, a brief introduction is followed by two to five points with a number of references to other passages that provide biblical context.


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I have used the paper version of the Pulpit Commentary for over 20 years. It is and continues to be my primary commentary for all my messages. I appreciate its scholarly work and the simplicity and power of its commentaries. I have also been an avid user of Logos since its inception and often wished that this commentary would find its way into the [digital] library.

—Hilton Garcia, Patuxent River Assembly of God, California, Maryland

  • Title: The Pulpit Commentary
  • General Editors: H. D. M. Spence, Joseph S. Exell
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems
  • Volumes: 77

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Total value if sold separately:$639.34

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43 ratings

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  1. Keith W. Kimzey
    When you use the hard copy edition, do not expect a quick read. They are very thorough in exposition. It's worth it.
  2. Steve Roberts

    Steve Roberts


  3. Angel Gonzalez
    Cuando podremos tener este comentario en español ? Sería de mucha bendición
  4. Jude Blackshear
  5. Ken McClurkin

    Ken McClurkin


  6. Rob Senn

    Rob Senn


    This commentary series, along with the Tyndale series are, in my opinion the most consistently excellent commentaries on the market! It may be a century old, but this commentary set is incredibly helpful! Though the language is occasionally, slightly antiquated, it’s still quite readable. This series gives you a ton of helpful information, but not inconsequential or tedious details. In my opinion, the authors managed to find the sweet spot between too much & too little information, & while there will usually be several nuggets they draw out for each verse, they write with a great efficiency of words, making the information clear & thorough while not lengthy. Pound for pound this is probably the most inexpensive multi-volume commentary on each book of the Bible, yet I haven’t found a better commentary series at any price or size! (Tyndale would be it’s only rival of those I have read). I had this commentary on a competitors software, when I switched to Logos I couldn’t stand not having it so I bought it for a 2nd time… still money well spent.
  7. Oancea Cosmin
  8. Billy Avery

    Billy Avery


  9. David Anfinrud
    OVerall this is a great resource for anyone searching the scripture. Provides information for all levels from Teaching to Preaching. Get high points to talk about that may be missed while studying the Bible
  10. Chris Surber

    Chris Surber



Collection value: $686.72
Save $586.73 (85%)