Digital Logos Edition
The prophet Joel presented the destiny of the nations as they relate to Israel in the Day of the Lord. An exciting commentary on one of the most neglected and misinterpreted books of the Bible: clear and concise, illustrated chapter outlines and graphic representations of the prophetic events give added insight into the timely and dynamic Book of Joel.
“Joel described this awesome day as the day of the Lord (Jehovah). The phrase day of the Lord is used some five times in Joel (1:15; 2:1; 2:11; 2:31; 3:14). Although it has reference to the local judgment God would bring on Judah through this plague, it speaks of a future day when God will intervene in judgment upon the world.” (Joel 1:15)
“The word ‘cometh’ literally means has come. Although the judgment is still future, in God’s eyes it has already taken place.” (Joel 2:1–2)
“Fifth, the vinedressers ‘wailed’ (v. 11) over their loss when the grapevine dried up and the fig tree languished.” (Joel 1:5)
“He was prophetically sounding out a message from God (v. 1) concerning an awesome plague which was about to totally devastate Judah.” (Joel 1:1–20)
“the sun was not darkened, nor the moon turned into blood during Joel’s day” (Joel 1:15)
4 ratings
Norman Bell
Steve Conover
David Leslie Bond
Justin Cofer