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Products>Studies on Psalms. 18 vols. (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS)

Studies on Psalms. 18 vols. (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $433.82
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The Psalms have been used as a source of spiritual refreshment and private devotion, as well as part of public worship, by both Jewish and Christian believers throughout the centuries. For many, they have been a treasury of faith to be drawn on in every situation in life, giving expression to every mood of the believer—from despair to serenity. They have also been taken by many as models of prayer and paraphrased in many hymns. Such use of the Psalms has often been selective: particular Psalms have been chosen as models because they have been thought to express particular articles of belief, or because they embody particular religious emotions.

Studies on Psalms contains 18 volumes of scholarship on the Psalms from today’s top Old Testament scholars. Some contributors, such as Norman Whybray, treat the Psalms—or groups of Psalms, such as the Psalms of lament—collectively, and examine the book of Psalms as a whole. Others, such as Donald K. Berry in his study of Psalm 18, examine individual Psalms in great detail. Together, this collection represents an important source of scholarly—yet accessible—study of the Psalms. Studies on Psalms will enrich your understanding of the Psalms, whether you preach regularly on the Psalms, use the Psalms in corporate worship, or simply want to study in greater depth some of the most honest expressions of praise, petition, and lament.

With the Logos Bible Software edition, all Scripture references are linked to the original language texts and the English Bibles in your library. By employing the advanced search features in Logos, you can find the exact topics, Scripture references, and subjects you’re looking for. With Logos, every word is essentially a link. All references to the text of the Psalms are automatically linked to Hebrew texts and English Bible translations. Clicking on any word in any language opens your preferred dictionary and automatically locates the exact entry you’re looking for. That makes the Logos edition the most accurate and efficient way to study the Psalms for preaching, research, or personal study.

  • In-depth studies of particular Psalms
  • Contributions by Norman Whybray, Walter Brueggemann, and other top scholars
  • All Scripture references linked to Hebrew texts and English Bible translations in your library
  • Title: Studies on Psalms
  • Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press
  • Volumes: 18
  • Pages: 4,359

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3 ratings

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  1. Bill Shewmaker

    Bill Shewmaker


  2. Matthew Candler
    Being an avid Psalter freak, there is so much wondrous goodness in a number of these volumes. The top two being, "The Message of the Psalter" by David Mitchell and the other book, the one by Robert Cole.
  3. CSL



    Great collection with tons of top notch material on reading the Psalms as a unified book with a coherent overarching message developed from beginning to end.


Collection value: $433.82
Save $208.83 (48%)
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