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Products>A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections

A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections

, 1996

Digital Logos Edition

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Jonathan Edwards’ object in this book is to distinguish between true and false religion by showing the marks of a saving work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In his preface, Edwards stresses the importance of using “our utmost endeavors clearly to discern . . . wherein true religion does consist.” For “till this be done, it may be expected that great revivings of religion will be but of short continuance.”

  • Concerning the Nature of the Affections, and their Importance in Religion
  • Shewing What are No Certain Signs that Religious Affections are Gracious, or that They are Not
  • Shewing What are Distinguishing Signs of Truly Gracious and Holy Affections

Top Highlights

“Doctrine. True religion, in great part, consists in holy affections” (Page 2)

“There is no question whatsoever, that is of greater importance to mankind, and that it more concerns every individual person to be well resolved in, than this: What are the distinguishing qualifications of those that are in favor with God, and entitled to his eternal rewards? Or, which comes to the same thing, What is the nature of true religion? And wherein do lie the distinguishing notes of that virtue and holiness that is acceptable in the sight of God?” (Page ix)

“It is no new thing, that much false religion should prevail, at a time of great reviving of true religion; and that at such a time multitudes of hypocrites should spring up among true saints.” (Page ix)

“Religious sorrow, mourning, and brokenness of heart, are also frequently spoken of as a great part of true religion.” (Page 9)

“It appears plainly to have been in the visible church of God, in times of great reviving of religion, from time to time, as it is with the fruit trees in the spring; there are a multitude of blossoms, all of which appear fair and beautiful, and there is a promising appearance of young fruits; but many of them are but of short continuance; they soon fall off, and never come to maturity.” (Page x)

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  1. adam clinton dixon
  2. Ryan Dubia

    Ryan Dubia


  3. Paul



  4. J-P O

    J-P O


  5. PaulC



    Great classic;
  6. John Echols

    John Echols


  7. Rob Krenik

    Rob Krenik


  8. Matthew Codd

    Matthew Codd


  9. Beverly Burnside
  10. Kevin Bratcher


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