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Products>Studies on Judges (3 vols.)

Studies on Judges (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $47.97
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This three-volume set uses an exegetical and literary approach to the historical narrative of the book of Judges, providing useful commentary and analysis for understanding this book of the Old Testament. It covers a myriad of scholastic topics, such as cultural and theological contexts, the use of traditions in religious practices, and examining the text from a literary and narrative standpoint, including irony, plot, resolution, audience, and character development. The collection also discusses the historical importance and overall meaning of the book of Judges. The authors, each well-known in their specific fields, bring meaningful commentary and analysis to continuing academic discussion of this historic piece of Biblical literature.

This is a vigorous collection that will aid the general reader as well as students and professor interested in learning more about the structure and significance of this key book of the Old Testament. Studies on Judges (3 Vols.) contains extensive notes, bibliographies, appendixes, and indexes to guide study and understanding.

Key Features

  • Critical and literary analysis of the book of Judges
  • Excellent resource for students and professors
  • Helpful notes and introductions throughout

Product Details

  • Title: Studies on Judges
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 729

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    Collection value: $47.97
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