Digital Logos Edition
This is a unique introduction to and survey of the Bible, giving an overview of each book of the Bible and taking into consideration the message of each verse, without actually being a verse-by-verse commentary. It provides a series of very memorable outlines for each chapter of the Bible. It also includes a succinct, but vigorous defense of the Bible and concludes with a number of reading schemes to guide readers through Scripture.
“But do not confuse legalism based on man-made rules with obedience to God’s moral law in the Ten Commandments. His moral law is unchanging and should be followed obediently, not to give salvation, but to please God and show the converted person’s love for Christ.” (Page 515)
“Jesus Christ is the Creator, and therefore was never created. But He is the firstborn of the creation in the sense that He has the right of the firstborn to inherit everything from the Father.” (Page 515)
“Those two years are evil, repeating the worst things that he learned from his father, but without his father’s humble repentance. His sin increases more and more. Bloodshed sees out his reign. He himself is murdered by his servants and they are executed by the people.” (Page 193)
“Gnosticism teaches that, although God alone is good, all matter must be evil, including physical flesh itself, and thus Jesus could not be God come in the flesh.” (Page 514)
“Today, those who come to faith in God through Christ are the spiritual children of the promise. V 10–21: SOVEREIGNTY” (Page 483)
This timely and impressive tome by Gerard Chrispin is a valuable tool to get us all into the Bible and all the Bible into us; how grateful I am for such a practical help now to continue reading through the whole Bible.
—Richard Cunningham, Director of UCCF, U.K.
Gerard Chrispin has assembled helpful overviews of every passage of Scripture, with clear outlines that will give you a better grasp of Scripture, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.
—Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace To You
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Gerard Chrispin is a lawyer who is also qualified and experienced in management. He has travelled widely in both the USA and Europe. As well as being an itinerant pastor and conference speaker, he has developed and directs a far-reaching prison evangelism ministry. He has written The Resurrection, The Unopened Gift, Philippians for Today, Priorities from Prison, and three evangelistic booklets. He is married with three adult children and four grandchildren.
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