Digital Logos Edition
The Apostle Paul's Letter to the Ephesians is one of the most dynamic portions of all Scripture. Called by one commentator "the crown and climax of Pauline theology," it issues a clarion call to all who follow the Master. With its dual focus on Christ and the Church, with its careful presentation of doctrine, then duty, it points the way to true Christian living and victory in a sin-embattled world.
“Grace and peace.’ This greeting celebrates how the gospel works. Grace comes first, and as it fills our lives through the Holy Spirit, it brings shalom — peace, reconciliation, wholeness.” (Page 18)
“Colossians explains Christ’s person and work in relation to the whole universe — the cosmic Christ; whereas Ephesians explains what the Church’s cosmic role is as the Body of the cosmic Christ. Ephesians reveals the position and job description of the Church in effecting God’s new order. It answers the question, what does it mean to be in Christ, and what does this demand of us?” (Page 15)
“Ephesians — carefully, reverently, prayerfully considered — will change our lives. It is not so much a question of what we will do with the epistle, but what it will do with us.” (Page 16)
“In the New Testament, the Greek word musterion means something which is beyond natural knowledge, but has been opened to us by divine revelation through the Holy Spirit.” (Pages 103–104)
“Third, the struggle is futile if fought in and by our own flesh” (Page 214)
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Cameron Bargerbos
jason crothers
Mark Snider
Scott Moffat
Matthew Johnson
Mark Ainsworth
Fred Anderson