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The Gospel of Mark

Digital Logos Edition

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The chastening power of our Lord is wonderfully revealed in the life of John Mark, the author of the shortest of the four gospels, The Gospel of Mark. Just a few years before he wrote his gospel, Mark failed the Lord when he deserted Paul and Barnabas at Perga and returned to Jerusalem but the Lord restored him and used him to be a faithful minister and the writer of an inspired gospel. When a great servant of God writes a commentary on an inspired servant of God’s Gospel, great things are bound to happen. And in Brother Gingrich’s outline commentary of The Gospel of Mark, like in his other works, great things do happen.

Top Highlights

“Jews were not permitted to carry burdens on the Sabbath” (Page 12)

“church has always taught that Mark addressed his gospel to the Christians in Rome.” (Page 3)

“(3) On this day the first 69 weeks of ‘Daniel’s Seventy Weeks’ came to a close (Dan. 9:25).” (Page 45)

“(6) that he mentions that Simon the Cyrenian was the father of Alexander and Rufus, 15:21” (Page 4)


These commentaries, written in outline form, are concise yet comprehensive, doctrinally sound and practically useful.

—Rev. John Edward HAO, President Faith Bible Seminary, Queens, NY

These commentaries are brief but thorough. They simplify the difficult passages. These books are factual, not fanciful, in their interpretation of the Bible.

—George A Hern, Pastor, Dellwood Baptist Church, Memphis, TN

Dr. Gingrich's commentaries have been used by thousands. Read and be blessed.

—Dr. Roger R. Clapp, Professor of Bible and Theology, Mid South Bible College

  • Title: The Gospel of Mark
  • Author: Roy Edward Gingrich
  • Publisher: Riverside Press
  • Publication Date: 1999
  • Pages: 64

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Roy Edward Gingrich was born February 3, 1920 in Ozark, Illinois. In 1941, Roy received God's call to enter the Christian ministry. After intensive preparation, he was called to pastor churches in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana and Memphis, TN. He was pastor of Faith Bible Church in Memphis, TN for over 40 years. In 1963 he graduated magna cum laude from Crichton College (formally Mid-South Bible College) and soon thereafter, he joined the teaching staff. In 1964, Dr. Gingrich began writing and self-publishing Bible commentaries. In 2001, Dr. Gingrich retired from a long and fruitful ministry and in 2003, was inducted into the Crichton College Hall of Fame.

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  1. ekarudi



  2. Henry Lara

    Henry Lara


    Excellent commentary. Really like the outlines


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