Digital Logos Edition
Probably no other portion of Scripture has been studied more diligently, or with greater blessing, than has The Gospel of John. The Apostle’s explicit purpose for writing was “that ye might believe.” Soul winners everywhere use this gospel in presenting the gospel of salvation to unbelievers. John’s presentation of Jesus Christ as God’s Son is so deep and vast that it challenges and blesses every believer and the greatest of Bible scholars.
This outline begins with a helpful and interesting introduction to John’s gospel. The gospel itself is then presented as it was written, chronologically. Many helpful observations, remarks, and practical lessons are given as the outline is developed. Because of its indisputable testimony to the deity of Jesus Christ, John’s gospel has been a favorite target for liberal critics for many years. Mr. Gingrich, however, defends this gospel as being that very Word of God. Using the literal, historical, and grammatical method of interpretation, he carefully exegetes every paragraph of the text. His approach is free of sectarian bias.
Without hesitation, this outline is recommended to any person who desires to make a study of The Gospel of John. It will be especially useful to anyone who plans to teach a home Bible class or who leads in a group study of John’s gospel. This outline would be a handy and useful tool in any pastor’s study.
“Christ is co-existent with the Father (‘the Word was with [the] God’)” (Page 6)
“The provision was not ‘a’ provision but ‘the’ provision” (Page 15)
“The controversy in the treasury (the temple’s court of the women) (8:12–59)” (Page 31)
“Sinners are required to look upon (believe in, receive) this provision” (Page 15)
“They were given the power (right) to become the sons of God (1:12)” (Page 7)
These commentaries, written in outline form, are concise yet comprehensive, doctrinally sound and practically useful.
—Rev. John Edward HAO, President Faith Bible Seminary, Queens, NY
These commentaries are brief but thorough. They simplify the difficult passages. These books are factual, not fanciful, in their interpretation of the Bible.
—George A Hern, Pastor, Dellwood Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
Dr. Gingrich's commentaries have been used by thousands. Read and be blessed.
—Dr. Roger R. Clapp, Professor of Bible and Theology, Mid South Bible College
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Roy Edward Gingrich was born February 3, 1920 in Ozark, Illinois. In 1941, Roy received God's call to enter the Christian ministry. After intensive preparation, he was called to pastor churches in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana and Memphis, TN. He was pastor of Faith Bible Church in Memphis, TN for over 40 years. In 1963 he graduated magna cum laude from Crichton College (formally Mid-South Bible College) and soon thereafter, he joined the teaching staff. In 1964, Dr. Gingrich began writing and self-publishing Bible commentaries. In 2001, Dr. Gingrich retired from a long and fruitful ministry and in 2003, was inducted into the Crichton College Hall of Fame.
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