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Products>Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation (27 vols.)

Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation (27 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $284.73
Save $234.74 (82%)


The book of Revelation is arguably the most mysterious and controversial book of the Bible, and Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation provides a massive amount of historical and solid analysis of this book of prophecy. Covering a wide range of topics and viewpoints from the nineteenth and early twentieth century, each volume seeks to clear the confusion associated with this book and interpret it in context. The commentaries provide invaluable insight and clarification from many different stances, presenting a diverse overview and exposition of the book of Revelation.

Each of the authors, all Bible scholars, teachers, and pastors, desire to make this last book of the Bible relevant and clear to God’s people. This collection focuses on textual criticism, comparison with other traditions, historical context, intended message for readers, and construction of the text.

With over 12,000 pages, this is a massive and essential collection for any student of the Bible. In addition to being premium biblical studies on the book of Revelation, these are invaluable historical volumes, allowing the reader to trace the line of how theologians have considered this book of prophecy. Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation is perfect for students, professors, historians, and anyone wanting a greater grasp on this divisive book of the Bible. With the Logos edition, all Scriptures are linked to the Bibles in your library, making study fast and easy.

Looking for more classic volumes on Revelation? Check out Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation Upgrade (32 vols.).

  • Concise, historical studies on Revelation
  • Valuable and applicable commentaries
  • Contains definitive viewpoints and studies on the Apocalypse
  • Includes detailed table of contents, indexes, and bibliographies
  • Title: Classic Commentaries and Studies on Revelation
  • Volumes: 27
  • Pages: 12,448
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {B5655ED7-9B2E-4E01-A44D-F662A73102F1}
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$284.73

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Collection value: $284.73
Save $234.74 (82%)