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Products>The Expositor’s Bible: A Complete Exposition of The Bible, in Six Volumes

The Expositor’s Bible: A Complete Exposition of The Bible, in Six Volumes

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $94.94
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A recognized standard of expository commentaries written by twenty-nine eminent scholars who were also preachers, representing every important branch of Protestantism. The Expositor’s Bible may thus be regarded as an interdenominational exposition demonstrating agreement on the profound realities and essentials of the Christian Faith.

The inception of this work took place at a time when critical and historical scholarship had arrived at mature and reliable conclusions concerning the text and truth of the Bible. What had been regarded as subversive of the Christian faith was now accepted without question. To be sure, there have been changes and even modifications in the attitude toward certain subjects, but the general consensus of Biblical scholarship has not been thereby affected. None of the results has in the least undermined the accepted view of the Church that the Bible is the Revelation of the spiritual life, imparted "by divers portions and in divers manners," and marked by energy, variety and adaptability. The Bible continues to occupy its place of finality as the supreme Authority on Religion and Morals. This is the basis on which The Expositor’s Bible was written.

If you can locate the six-volume edition of the Expositor’s Bible, buy it immediately! It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning. Samuel H. Kellogg on Leviticus is a classic; so is Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms and on Colossians.

Warren W. Wiersbe, A Basic Library for Bible Students

This set, originally published in 1903, contains expositions by both conservative and liberal theologians. The most important works are by Dod (Genesis), Chadwick (Exodus and Mark), Kellogg (Leviticus), Blaikie (Joshua, I and II Samuel), Adeney (Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther), Maclaren (Psalms), Moule (Romans), Findlay (Galatians and Ephesians), Plummer (Pastoral Epistles and the Epistles of James and Jude), and Milligan (Revelation.)

—Cyril J. Barber, The Minister’s Library

This notable work was conceived and carried out by that genius among editors, Sir William Robertson Nicoll, C.H., D.D., LL.D. He had an exceptional knowledge of religious and literary, of theological and philosophical, thought. He understood what were the most urgent needs of the church as to spiritual enlightenment, for the better exercise of the Church's mission in advancing the Kingdom of Christ to earth's remotest bounds.

—Oscar L. Joseph, Litt. D.

  • Title: The Expositor's Bible: A Complete Exposition of The Bible, in Six Volumes, with Index
  • Editor: William Robertson Nicoll
  • Publisher: S. S. Scranton Co.
  • Publication Date: 1903
  • Resources: 6
  • Pages: 5,410
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {A6338514-A5D9-4673-A546-CD0123F5454D}

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Sir William Robertson Nicoll (1851–1923), a religious journalist, was born into the Free Church of Scotland manse at Auchindoir, Aberdeenshire. Nicoll’s reading habits began early among his minister father’s seventeen thousand volumes. William graduated from Aberdeen (1870), and after theological training in his church’s divinity hall, he served parishes at Dufftown (1874–1877) and Kelso (1877–1885) and established his reputation as a preacher. When ill health forced his resignation from the ministry, he went to London and began his editorship of The Expositor (1885) and the British Weekly (1886), posts which he held for the rest of his life. His aim in the latter publication was to handle everything in a Christian spirit. In 1896 he visited America with his friend Sir J. M. Barrie, and he maintained a fruitful correspondence with many American writers, politicians, and preachers. He engaged increasingly in political controversies, was a friend of Lloyd George with whose social legislation he identified himself, and helped overcome Nonconformist pacifist views in World War II. Like a good Free Kirkman, Nicoll was a formidable foe of Erastianism. He made the British Weekly widely influential, published several religious and secular books, edited The Expositor’s Greek Testament, was knighted (1909), and was made a companion of honor (a prestigious order) two years before his death. (Taken from Who’s Who in Christian History.)

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13 ratings

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  1. Daniel Chan

    Daniel Chan


    For these Old published series there must have some free copies found online!
  2. Mr. Youngblood
  3. Kevin Bratcher
  4. Megan Herdrich

    Megan Herdrich


  5. John R. Davis

    John R. Davis


  6. Ian Carmichael
    A delightful set. Pride of place on my bookshelves, and now a centrepiece of my LLS. If you haven't been familiar with these authors yet, do so - the pricing is great, they are great commenters with a preacher's eye, focusing in on preaching topics. Still useful, still thoughtful, still preachable! I've said elsewhere, if you see any series edited by W R Nicoll, give it serious attention. (eg the Expositors Greek Testament!)
  7. Dennis Pulley
  8. Larry Proffitt (I
  9. Bill Shewmaker
  10. RevSarge




Collection value: $94.94
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