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Products > Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament Collection (3 vols.) Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament Collection (3 vols.) Overview
The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament Collection (3 vols.) brings together two interlinearized Greek New Testaments. The Greek texts behind these two interlinears are The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (SBLGNT) and the Nestle-Aland 27th Edition of the Greek New Testament . In addition to the interlinear translations, direct links to Louw and Nida's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains are provided for every Greek word in both interlinear editions. These links are context-sensitive and connect directly to the appropriate Louw and Nida article. Those familiar with Louw and Nida's lexicon know that one Greek word may have many different entries in the lexicon, one for each semantic sense. These Louw-Nida references jump to the appropriate article when there is more than one option—providing a contextually-appropriate lexicon definition for the word under study. These links will also allow for searching the New Testament text by Louw-Nida domain and article information.
Also included is the Greek New Testament: SBL Edition and its critical apparatus. This makes it possible to quickly search for and compare the differences between the Greek text of the two interlinears as well as other Greek New Testaments you might have in your digital library.
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Title: The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament Collection (3 vols.)
Editors: W. Hall Harris III and Michael W. Holmes
Publisher: Lexham Press and the Society of Biblical Literature
Volumes: 3
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$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS A
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS AA
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS AA Repeated Section
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS B
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS BB
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS Br
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS C
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS CC
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS D
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS DD
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS E
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS EE
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS F
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS F2
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS FF
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS G
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS GG
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS H
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS HH
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS I
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS J
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS JJ
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS K
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS KK
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS LL
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS M
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS MM
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$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS R
$0.46 Cairo Geniza Targumic Fragment: MS RR
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Total value if sold separately: $5,596.91
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What is the difference between:
Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition
The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament
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Seems to be a good resource. However, nothing is displayed starting at the title page until Matthew (i.e. no Preface, Contents, Abriviations , and morphology information).
I cannot see the apparatus markers within The Lexham Greek-English Interlinear New Testament: SBL Edition anymore. Has there been a change?
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