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Products>The Bible Speaks Today | BST: New Testament (22 vols.)

The Bible Speaks Today | BST: New Testament (22 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $314.78
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The Bible Speaks Today series has been widely acclaimed for its combination of scholarship and application. Now these bestselling New Testament commentaries are made available in electronic form. All who preach and teach the Word of God, or who want to study it earnestly, will benefit from these superb studies and the technology that now supports them.

Originally published in 1968, the first title in the series was John Stott's The Message of Galatians. It went on to become an incredibly beloved commentary, providing "excellent models for expository preachers, combining clarity of communication with careful exegesis, theological literacy and wise application. But they have also been eminently devotional," said Derek Tidball, series editor of the companion Bible Speaks Today Themes series. In the years since this series was first launched, more than one million copies have been sold of the Old and New Testament volumes.

  • All twenty-two New Testament volumes of the BST series
  • Applies the truth of Scripture to everyday life in the contemporary world
  • Engages a variety of readers with accessible, nontechnical language
  • Analyzes the flow of thought in passage-by-passage exposition of New Testament books
  • Provides insightful treatment of key themes

The BST series, now complete, covers all sixty-six books of the bible (Old and New Testaments) in fifty-five volumes. If you preach or teach from Scripture, the Bible Speaks Today series will help you apply the timeless biblical message to the everyday experiences of your listeners. And if you study the Bible on your own, these volumes will be a helpful resource focusing on the significance of God's Word for your own life and work..

The Bible Speaks Today series, according to John Stott, is characterized by the following threefold ideal:

  • Expound the Biblical Text with Accuracy
  • Relate it to Contemporary Life
  • Make it Readable

The equivalent print editions in this collection of commentaries are over 5,700 pages. And now, with Logos Bible Software, you can search every page for a passage or topic in only seconds.

These volumes are models of fruitful exposition.

J. I. Packer, Board of Governors’ Professor Emeritus, Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.

Represents first-quality biblical scholarship from an evangelical perspective.

Preaching Magazine

Popular and useful for every pastor, teacher and thoughtful believer.

Southwestern Journal of Theology

  • Title: The Bible Speaks Today New Testament (22 vols.)
  • General Editors: John Stott and J. A. Motyer
  • Series: The Bible Speaks Today
  • Publisher: IVP
  • Volumes: 22
  • Pages: 5,777
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$314.78

John Stott is known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist and communicator of Scripture. For many years he served as rector of All Souls Church in London, where he carried out an effective urban pastoral ministry.

J. Alec Motyer (M.A., B.D., D.D.) was formerly principal of Trinity College in Bristol, England. He has extensive experience in parish ministry and is well known as a Bible expositor.

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69 ratings

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  1. Ken McClurkin
  2. Craig Stephens

    Craig Stephens


    I purchased this commentary set as part of the Logos 8 Anglican Legacy Library. I am disappointed to find that it doesn't index as a commentary. This series cannot be prioritized as a resource. Volumes can only be opened from the library section. I am hoping that the staff will see this message and the similar message from another person on here and look in to fixing this issue. Thanks.
  3. Randy



    Oddly, these commentaries are not indexed under either "The Bible Speaks Today", or "BST". The only way to get them to come up in a search, is to put type:commentary subject:message of. I manually tagged them with BST to make them easier to find. While I don't have a great deal of experience with these commentaries yet, I did review the comments on 1 Peter 3 and 1 Timothy 2:11-15. Passages that deal with the roles of men and women are usually a pretty good barometer of whether the commentary is going to be faithful to the word of God, or cave in to worldly culture and political correctness. Both volumes were spot on, accepting what the passages clearly teach, and rejecting the feminist, politically correct revision that seeks to erase any distinction between male and female roles. The 1 Corinthians volume was a little troubling in how it interpreted 14:34-35. After citing the Scripture that says, "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church", it immediately concludes, "Whatever this section is teaching, it is not telling women to keep quiet in church". It then basically ignores the text, and formulates it's interpretation from what other passages say, without finding any convincing harmony between the two. I find that a bit troubling, hence the four stars. David Prior, The Message of 1 Corinthians: Life in the Local Church, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1985), 251–252.
  4. Markus Buller

    Markus Buller


  5. 唐汉森



  6. Sutrisna Harjanto
  7. Dwayne Campbell
  8. BeeRye



    why are Logos books so expensive?? i am getting both Testaments on word search bible for $150
  9. Fred Robbins

    Fred Robbins


  10. Blake L. Dameron


Collection value: $314.78
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