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Products>John Wesley Collection (29 vols.)

John Wesley Collection (29 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $317.29
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Founder of the Methodist movement. Celebrated preacher. Abolitionist. Gifted writer. John Wesley is known for all of these great qualities and more. Like his friend and contemporary George Whitefield, John Wesley didn't need a church to preach in—he preached wherever a group of people would listen—a field, a cottage, a town hall. And he did it every day. And although he never officially left the Church of England, the Methodist movement that he planted quickly spread across England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and to colonial America. Today, over seventy-million people belong to Methodist organizations in the Wesleyan tradition all over the world.

The John Wesley Collection (29 vols.) contains all of his theological works, including the four-volume Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testaments, plus his journals, essays, letters, sermons, grammars, psalms, hymns, and addresses. Those familiar with the Thomas Jackson edition of The Works of John Wesley are aware they include some of his journals, but these are incomplete and missing large chunks of important entries—sometimes entire years are missing! The Logos edition of the John Wesley Collection (29 vols.) contains the unabridged and authoritative eight-volume journals edited by Nehemiah Curnock. Also included in this massive collection is a three-volume, in-depth biography on this extraordinary man of faith.

With the Logos Bible Software edition, each volume in the John Wesley Collection (29 vols.) is fully integrated with the other resources in your Logos library, including Bibles, maps, dictionaries, and numerous other Bible study tools. The Logos edition also allows you to perform powerful searches and word studies, and Scripture references are linked to the wealth of language resources in your digital library. This makes the John Wesley Collection (29 vols.) more powerful and easier to access than ever before for reading, sermon preparation, research, and Bible study.

  • Complete fourteen-volume collected Works
  • Complete and authoritative eight-volume Journals
  • Contains the four-volume Explanatory Notes, Wesley's complete commentaries on the entire Bible
  • In-depth biography included
As truly an apostolic man, in saintly devotion, strength of character, and influence among men, Wesley ranks in history with Savonarola, Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Calvin, and Fox: all era making men."

The Friends' Review

  • Title: John Wesley Collection
  • Authors: John Wesleys and L. Tylerman
  • Volumes: 29
  • Pages: 16,951

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Total value if sold separately:$317.29

John Wesley (1703-1791) is recognized as the founder of Methodism. An acclaimed preacher, Wesley traveled extensively on horseback and drew large crowds for his outdoor sermons. A contemporary of William Wilberforce, Wesley was a strong voice opposing slavery in England and the United States. His influence upon modern Christianity can be seen by the large number of Methodist organizations in the Wesleyan tradition all over the world.

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14 ratings

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  1. PaulC



    Do not buy this. These resources are temendously dated and border on useless. Many of these resources are available in public domain. If you really want valid resources in Methodism check out Wesley's Works that have been edited by Outler, Maddox, Heintzenrather, Davies and others. Don't buy this; all scholarship changes and updates.
  2. Tim Wood

    Tim Wood


    The upside to this collection is that it includes everything John Wesley wrote. If you just need Wesley's works and don't want to both poking around the internet for digitzed copies, this is worth the money. If you're planning to use this in a seminary context, be aware of two challenges. First, your professors will probably be referencing the critical edition by Albert C. Outler (from the 1980s). This copy is digitized from the a 19th century copy of the text. Be careful that you verify any quotes you utilize against Outler. Second, there is no master table of contents. If you're assignment sermons 43, 2, 77, and 120 (my assignment for this week), you'll be manually hunting through the various volumes to find which ones contain sermons ... and then which of those contain the sermons that you're seeking. It's frustrating to buy a logos book and then have to double-back and buy physical books because the logos copy doesn't include a master table of contents or use the critical text.
  3. Mount Carmel Community Church
  4. Kevin Bratcher



    Have this in spanish?
  6. John Finochio

    John Finochio


    There is a wealth of information and insight in theses volumes into the life, ministry and philosophy of Wesley. At times somewhat tedious but worth wading through for the insights.
  7. David Haitel

    David Haitel


    This is a fantastic resource! Great for study or devotional reading!
  8. Joel Landon Watts
  9. Anibal Lopez

    Anibal Lopez


    Please translate this collection into Spanish. We need urgently.
  10. Mark Keith Hillis
    I'm not using this as much as I thought I would, but it is good to know it's there. Wesley was an inspiring and also complex, intriguing character. A recent pleasant surprise was to find how much he cared for animals and advocated humane treatment.


Collection value: $317.29
Save $117.30 (36%)
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