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Islamic Studies Collection (34 vols.)
George Bush; Henry Preserved Smith; W. R. W. Stephens; …
With over 1.5 billion followers worldwide, Islam is the second-largest and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. As an aid for comparative religion studies, the Islamic Studies Collection brings together 34-volumes that provide an extensive background on the Islamic faith, its founder and prophet Muhhamad, and its relation to the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Christianity.
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Select Works and Sermons of William Reed Huntington (19 vols.)
William Reed Huntington; Alfred G. Mortimer; Davis Sessums; …
Open a window onto Episcopal history with the works of nineteenth-century priest William Reed Huntington. A leading advocate for liturgical reform and church unity in America, Huntington was a part of 13 General Conventions, a major voice for the revision of the Book of Common Prayer, and the main figure behind the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral—four statements of Anglican belief aimed at unifying the church, first adopted by the House of Bishops in 1886. This collection gathers a broad swath of Huntington’s work.
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Classic Studies on the Parables of the Bible (30 vols.)
Arno Clemens Gaebelein; Henry Barclay Swete; Edward Craig Mitchell; …
The Classic Studies on the Parables of the Bible Collection offers some of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries’ most significant studies on Jesus’ and the Old Testament’s parables—over 11,000 pages of research. From familiar authors such as A. C. Gaebelein, H. B. Swete, and A. B. Bruce, you’ll get the best in classic scholarship on some of the most important teachings on character, God, faith, and more. This collection contains a wide array of studies on the parables of the Bible, including resources for teaching the parables to youth, sermon structures for teaching the parables, Greek and Hebrew exegesis of Old Testament parables, and personal devotional application from the lessons of the parables. Whether you’re a pastor, scholar, or student, this collection will help you conduct research and give you practical advice.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Gospel of John Upgrade (29 vols.)
Alexander Maclaren; John Brown; John McIntyre; …
Ninety percent of the account in the Gospel of John is unique among the Gospels. The account of the disciple whom Jesus loved presents a developed and complex theology of Christ and Salvation that has kept commentators as busy for centuries. The 29-volume Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Gospel of John Upgrade features even more of the best nineteenth- and twentieth-century commentaries and studies on the fourth Gospel. Among the authors of these classic volumes are Scottish Reformed theologian John Brown, Anglican priest M. F. Sadler, and American Congregationalist minister Lyman Abbott. Filled with more than 9,500 pages of commentary, criticism, exposition, and devotional literature, these volumes are valuable for their insights into both Johannine theology and the history of studies on John.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Acts of the Apostles (31 vols.)
August Neander; Charles John Vaughan; Frederick Denison Maurice; …
The Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Acts of the Apostles collection (30 vols.) includes some of the most significant classic studies on the book of Acts from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With authors such as Joseph Addison Alexander, Frederick Denison Maurice, William Owen Carver, and C. J. Vaughan, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Acts (30 vols.) offers over 9000 pages of exegetical analysis, rhetorical context, contextual comparison, and interpretation. The thirty volumes contained in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Acts (30 vols.) have had an enduring impact on New Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy accessibility to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Chronicles (7 vols.)
James G. Murphy; Rudolf Kittel; Richard G. Moulton; …
he Classic Commentaries and Studies on Chronicles (7 vols.) offers some of the most significant classicla sutides on the books of Chronicles from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. With notable authors such as James G. Murphy, Richard G. Moulton, and W. E. Barnes, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Chronicles (7 vols.) contains over 1,000 pages of interpretation, observations, translations, contextual history, and practical application. The seven volumes contained in the Classic Commentaries and Studies on Chronicles (7 vols.) have had an enduring impact on Old Testament exegeis, and this exceptional collection provides easy access to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Classic Studies on the Apostolic Fathers (29 vols.)
Ernst von Dobschütz; Fenton John Anthony Hort; Francis Brown; …
The Classic Studies on the Apostolic Fathers collection presents many of the defining late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century studies on some of the earliest Christian writers and their works. Thanks to such notable authors as J. B. Lightfoot, J. Armitage Robinson, F. J. A. Hort, and Robert L. Bensly, Classic Studies on the Apostolic Fathers interprets, translates, and contextualizes important works such as the Didache, the Shepherd of Hermas, the epistles of St. Ignatius, Clement of Rome’s epistles, and more. The collection’s 29 volumes and nearly 9,000 pages have had an enduring impact on our understanding of first and second century Christianity.
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The Greek Fathers for English Readers (5 vols.)
Frederick Watson; J. H. Lupton; Alice Gardner; …
Explore the fascinating history of early Christianity and deepen your understanding of the Greek Church Fathers with this collection of works by nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century historians. Be inspired by the lives of these saints who lived in a time of open warfare between Christianity and the world and whose thoughts and actions shaped the faith as we live it today. Get to know St. John of Damascus, Clement of Alexandria, and St. Ignatius of Antioch, to name just a few of the figures highlighted. These five volumes—by Henry Scott Holland, Alice Gardner, and F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock, among others—unpack poems, hymns, sermons, doctrine, and more. With Logos Bible Software, these valuable volumes are enhanced by cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translation. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful topical searches help you find exactl...
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Life and Works of Athanasius the Great (7 vols.)
Athanasius of Alexandria; F. A. Forbes; R. Wheler Bush; …
Athanasius of Alexandria stands as a pillar of the Christian faith—a hero of Christianity during a time of widespread heresy and political fear. From a time even before Arianism spread until the end of his days, Athanasius fought tooth-and-nail to preserve the teachings of the Trinity and the Incarnation. As Arianism grew, he found himself among a minority of those defending these doctrines, causing him to be publicly anathematized in his own hometown and exiled on six separate occasions. Athanasius’ involvement at the Council of Nicaea and his writings on the Trinity—particularly on the nature of Christ—eventually won the day. In the light of Athanasius’ arguments and historical references, “the world was thunderstruck with astonishment at suddenly finding itself Arian,” Jerome explained. This collection provides scholarly translations of his writings, biographies of his life and his trials, and dissertations on the historical difficulties of the subject.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark Upgrade (24 vols.)
Julius Wellhausen; Lyman Abbott; William Kelly; …
The Classic Commentaries and Studies on Mark Upgrade provides students of Scripture with insightful resources that will help readers understand, study, and teach the Gospel of Mark. This collection combines practical and devotional literature on Mark, critical monographs, and commentaries, covering every aspect of the second Gospel and preparing readers for further study and competent instruction.
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Studies on Christian Art History (5 vols.)
Edward L. Cutts; Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake; Anna Brownell Jameson; …
Whether you have no background in art, or are an experienced purveyor, the scholarly guidance in Studies on Christian Art History can help you deepen your grasp on the mystery and majesty of visual expressions of worship. Integrate these classic texts into your Logos library and find a wealth of insight into Christian art from its primary stages. Access scholarly expositions, diagrams, analyses, and images to bolster your appreciation of this important part of church life through the ages. From paintings to sculpture and architecture to jewelry, these texts cover a variety of art forms.
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The Latin Fathers for English Readers (9 vols.)
Ambrose of Milan; Augustine of Hippo; Saint Bede the Venerable; …
No institution has influenced human history more than the Christian church. Its swaying and staying power over 2,000 years is due in no small part to the philosophical accomplishments of a core of early Church Fathers. Thus patristics, the study of the church’s early fathers, is vitally important not just for Christians, but for anyone who wants to understand the scope and pattern of human history. This collection provides summary and analysis of the most important contributions of nine Church Fathers. Designed to be accessible for “ordinary English readers,” the collection relates key portions of the life and works of Latin writers like Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose, supplying “a lively, accurate, and fairly complete view of the most important periods of church history.”
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Classic Studies on the Life of Paul (18 vols.)
Albert Schweitzer; Benjamin Wisner Bacon; T. R. Glover; …
Each of these 18 texts explores a different aspect of Paul’s life. His travels are thoroughly documented and pieced together using every available historical record; this collection covers his time shipwrecked at sea as well as his stays in major cities across the known world. With such in-depth discussions, it provides incredible insight into the context of Paul’s ministry and his revolutionary teachings about Christ.
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Bishop Sarapion’s Prayer-Book
Sarapion of Thmuis
The prayers included in this text were written for the use of bishops, and remain important liturgical documents. John Wordsworth provides thorough introductory material explaining the style, origin, and significance of the text, putting the prayers into proper context.
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Ancient Texts and Translations Library Expansion, L
Study the Bible’s literary background and original languages with ancient writings and primary texts. Explore Christianity’s roots, dig into ancient history, and study the Bible’s cultural context with extensive works by key writers from ancient times.
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Devotional, Biographical, and Popular Works by B.F. Westcott (9 vols.)
Brooke Foss Westcott
This collection of works from Bishop of Durham, Cambridge professor, and distinguished biblical scholar B.F. Westcott showcases practical counsel for daily Christian living, family prayer, meditations upon ordination of new ministers, examination of the religious office of the universities, discussion of the role of the Christian poet, short studies of the Apostles’ Creed, and much more.
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Logos 6 Orthodox Silver Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Orthodox Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including advanced reference works and original language materials.
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History of Early Christian Art
Edward L. Cutts
The object of this classic art history text is show how studying early Christian art has illuminated early church history. Edward Cutts reveals the value of studying these intertwining histories for our understanding of the foundations of our faith. An Anglican minister, Cutts also discusses how “the early phase of the Church’s life links on to the beginnings of … English Church history.” Contents: • Early Christian Art • The Church in the House • The Public Churches before Constantine...
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Saint Augustine
Augustine of Hippo; Edward L. Cutts
Perhaps no Christian writer outside the biblical canon has had a greater influence on Western thought than Augustine of Hippo. His Confessions and City of God left large marks in the philosophical landscape and are still widely read today in a range of disciplines. Edward L. Cutts’ volume on Augustine is an excellent introduction to this Church Father who continues to be relevant to anyone asking life’s greatest questions.
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St. Polycarp: Bishop of Smyrna
Blomfield Jackson
This translation of the one extant Letter of St. Polycarp and of the Letter of the Smyrnaeans narrating his martyrdom is designed to put within the reach of English readers two of the most valuable of the classics of the Church. Blomfield Jackson provides an in-depth introduction to the authenticity and dating of the epistles and provides a short introduction to the life of St. Polycarp.
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2025 Orthodox Silver
The Orthodox Silver Library makes Bible study simple and fast by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. It comes with over 145 books, with advanced reference works for understanding the biblical context of Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Complete Set | ACCS (29 vols.).
Sale $349.99
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The Apostolic Fathers
Henry Scott Holland
Henry Scott Holland examines the apostolic age, highlighting such early Church Fathers as St. Clement of Rome, St. Ignatius, and St. Polycarp, and expounding upon the epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas.
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The Fathers for English Readers (14 vols.)
Ambrose of Milan; Augustine of Hippo; Saint Bede the Venerable; …
Perhaps no institution has influenced human history more than the Christian church. Its swaying and staying power over 2,000 years is due in no small part to the philosophical accomplishments of a core of early Church Fathers. Studying the Early Church Fathers then, is vitally important not just for Christians, but for anyone who wants to understand the scope and pattern of human history.
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Logos 6 Collector's Edition Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Ancient Texts and Translations Library Expansion, S
A. Graeme Auld; Alison Jack; Augustine of Hippo; …
Study the Bible’s literary background and original languages with ancient writings and primary texts. Explore Christianity’s roots, dig into ancient history, and study the Bible’s cultural context with extensive works by key writers from ancient times.
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Clement of Alexandria
F. R. Montgomery Hitchcock
This comprehensive biography of Clement of Alexandria by F.R. Montgomery Hitchcock examines Clement’s writings, philosophy, theology, doctrines, life, and character. Hitchcock offers a detailed look at Clement’s years in the city of Alexandria—including his family home, university life, and religious formation—as well as in the Catechetical School of Alexandria, and presents several texts that highlight Clement’s influence on the church and the development of Christianity.
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St. Athanasius: His Life and Times
R. Wheler Bush
Robert Bush’s biography of Athanasius pays particular attention to the physical world surrounding Athanasius’ life—the archaeological features of Alexandria, the geographical and political state of his world, and the philosophical and theological backdrop of his culture. Thoroughly researched and academically written, St. Athanasius: His Life and Times is an essential volume for any study of Athanasius.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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St. Hilary of Poitiers and St. Martin of Tours
Hilary of Poitiers; John Gibson Cazenove; Martin of Tours
This work covers the life and works of two of the early church’s most influential fourth-century Fathers: Hilary of Poitiers and Martin of Tours. John Gibson Cazenove’s work provides valuable insight into the development and spread of Christianity across Western Europe.
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Master Patristics Collection (714 Resources)
Engage with the Fathers of the Church with our most complete patristics collection. The Master Patristics Collection contains readable and accurate translations of the Fathers from the first seven centuries of the Church. This collection comprises an enormous selection of their work, including Biblical commentaries, homilies, treatises, and letters.
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