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Islamic Studies Collection (34 vols.)
Edward Sell; George Bush; Henry Preserved Smith; …
With over 1.5 billion followers worldwide, Islam is the second-largest and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. As an aid for comparative religion studies, the Islamic Studies Collection brings together 34-volumes that provide an extensive background on the Islamic faith, its founder and prophet Muhhamad, and its relation to the Bible, Jesus Christ, and Christianity.
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History of Christianity and Missions in China (19 vols.)
Marshall Broomhall; Robert Coventry Forsyth; Milton T. Stauffer; …
Study Christianity’s entire history in China—from St Thomas the Apostle to the Qing Dynasty and the Boxer Rebellion. Learn how Christianity originally came to China and how Christian missionaries dramatically impacted the nation with medical missions in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Relive the tumultuous era of the Qing Dynasty and examine how missionaries responded to numerous humanitarian crises, sought political favor, and suffered brutal persecution. Study primary texts written by experienced missionaries that document the spread of Christianity in China, and experience the book that inspired J. Hudson Taylor to become a missionary to China. Including a two-volume narrative history of China’s entire history, this collection presents the complete story of the Middle Kingdom’s riveting past. The Logos History of Christianity and Missions in China collection equips you for better study with cutting-edge functionality and features. Citations link directly to...
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Classic Surveys on Greek Philosophy (5 vols.)
Alfred William Benn; B. C. Burt; Ellen M. Mitchell; …
Greek philosophy is a difficult subject. You have to understand complex ideas, and you have to bridge the social and historical gaps between contemporary and Hellenistic culture. The Classic Surveys on Greek Philosophy collection provides resources for gaining competency in the historical context and intellectual world of the Greek philosophers. The authors identify individual thinkers and philosophical schools, explaining the contributions of each. The perennially relevant works in this collection will provide a foundation for life-long exploration of Greek philosophy, as well as its intellectual descendants.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on Exodus (21 vols.)
A. H. McNeile; A. R. S. Kennedy; Alexander Wheelock Thayer; …
This massive 21 volume collection features some of the best commentaries and studies on the Book of Exodus from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With scholars and authors such as James G. Murphy, Benjamin Wisner Bacon, Edward Dennett, and John Cumming, Classic Commentaries and Studies on Exodus (21 vols.) offers over 6,000 pages of interpretation, observations, translations, contextual history, and application on this important book of the Old Testament. The 21 volumes contained in Classic Commentaries and Studies on Exodus have had an enduring impact on Old Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy accessibility to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Select Life and Works of George MacDonald (25 vols.)
George MacDonald; Joseph Johnson; Greville MacDonald
The Select Life and Works of George MacDonald collection features works from every genre he contributed to. It presents MacDonld’s most famous sermon collections, fantasy novels, poetry, and short stories. The striking imagery of MacDonald’s work has made his stories widely adapted for film and theatre. Considered by many to be a pioneer—if not the father—of the modern fantasy novel, George MacDonald significantly influenced some of the most famous authors who have ever lived including Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, E. Nesbit, Madeleine L’Engle, G. K. Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, Elizabeth Yates, Mark Twain, and C. S. Lewis. Several of these authors reference specific works included in this collection as particularly influential, including Phantastes, Lilith, At The Back of the Northwind, Unspoken Sermons, and David Elginbrod. The series also includes a critical but appreciative intellectual biography of MacDonald, as well as a moving account of George MacDoanld’s mar...
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Studies on Christian Art History (5 vols.)
Edward L. Cutts; Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake; Anna Brownell Jameson; …
Whether you have no background in art, or are an experienced purveyor, the scholarly guidance in Studies on Christian Art History can help you deepen your grasp on the mystery and majesty of visual expressions of worship. Integrate these classic texts into your Logos library and find a wealth of insight into Christian art from its primary stages. Access scholarly expositions, diagrams, analyses, and images to bolster your appreciation of this important part of church life through the ages. From paintings to sculpture and architecture to jewelry, these texts cover a variety of art forms.
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The Works of William Paley (4 vols.)
Edmund Paley; William Paley
One of the most influential Christian philosophers of his day, William Paley possessed exceptional reasoning and writing abilities which are best on display in this four-volume set. Known primarily for his contributions in ethics, philosophy, and natural theology, many of his works were used as textbooks at Cambridge, being widely used even until the 1920s.
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Sermon Finder Collection (378 resources)
These biblical sermons, from a variety of traditions and homiletic approaches, open up Scripture so you can see how centuries of preachers before you have handled the verse you’re studying or preparing to preach from. Featuring over one hundred preachers, this collection is the best library builder for sermons ever released. If you are searching for insights from the great preachers of history, either for personal growth or for inspiration in your own preaching, the Sermon Finder Collection is ideal for diving deep into thousand of expository and topical sermons.
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Select Works on Orthodox History, Part 2 (8 vols.)
Adrian Fortescue; E. L. Butcher; Margaret G. Dampier; …
Part two of the Select Works on Orthodox History collection delves deeply into the history of various, local Orthodox churches, including those of Cyprus, Egypt, Serbia, and Constantinople, while also covering the churches of Eastern Europe and the Oriental, Armenian, and Assyrian communions. This set is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of the Orthodox Church.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Torah (60 vols.)
This massive collection features some of the best commentaries and studies on the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy from the eighteenth through the early twentieth centuries. The Classic Commentaries and Studies on the Torah offers thousands of pages of interpretation, observations, translations, contextual history, and application on this crucial books to understanding the Old Testament. These volumes have had an enduring impact on Old Testament exegesis, and this exceptional collection provides easy accessibility to this wealth of significant scholarship.
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Classic Commentaries and Studies on 1 and 2 Corinthians (49 vols.)
Adolph Saphir; Arthur Pridham; Charles Hodge; …
This massive 49-volume collection features a variety of the most notable studies on Corinthians from the Reformation to the early twentieth century. With scholars such as William Milligan, James Moffatt, E. P. Gould, and John Calvin, and Charles Hodge, Classic Commentaries and Studies on 1 & 2 Corinthians provides over 14,000 pages of critical interpretation, exegetical studies, thematic elements, semantic discourse, doctrinal interpretation, and practical application. This 49-volume set offers a solid foundation for biblical interpretation and practical application through expositional scholarship.
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Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
George MacDonald
Among the most popular and influential of George MacDonald’s fantasy novels, Phantastes follows the story of Anodos and his adventures in fairyland. Mythic creatures, objects, and danger await Anodos as he confronts tree-spirits and the shadow, searches for the spirit of the earth, and resides in the palace of the fairy queen. Though influential on many authors, Phantastes transformed C. S. Lewis. Lewis affirmed its power over him in a 1962 interview with The Christian Century, listing Phantaste...
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The Apology of Al Kindy, Written at the Court of Al Mâmûn, (A.H. 215; A.D. 830) in Defence of Christianity against Islam
William Muir
William Muir provides an English translation of Al Kindy’s Christian apology, purportedly written around 830 A. D. Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi, known as Al-Kindi, was an Arab born from a noble family in the plains of Chaldea. Written in dialogue form between a Christian and a Muslim, the apology brings attention to perceived flaws in the Islamic faith and argues in favor of Christianity.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Logos 6 Anglican Platinum Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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The Works of William Paley, vol. 1
Edmund Paley; William Paley
This volume contains an extensive 260-page biography, detailing William Paley’s upbringing as the son of an Anglican clergyman to his rise to fame as a leading scholar and philosopher of his day. Also included is Paley’s most important work, Natural Theology. Paley’s famous Watchmaker Analogy serves as the introduction to his in-depth treatise on the teleological argument for the existence of God.
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The Works of William Paley, vol. 2
Edmund Paley; William Paley
Evidence of Christianity is included in this volume, whereby Paley takes the reader through the historical evidences for the truth of the Christian message and the scriptures. In a similar vein as Evidence, Horæ Paulinæ takes up the Pauline corpus and argues for its historical veracity, especially as it relates to the Acts of the Apostles.
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Logos 6 Anglican Portfolio Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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2025 Orthodox Portfolio
The Orthodox Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Orthodox Portfolio Library takes everything in the Orthodox Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Orthodox Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (148 vols.), Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament | TDOT (17 vols.), T&T Clark Jewish and Christian Texts Series (13 vols.), Berit Olam: Studies in Hebrew Narrative & Poetry (15 vols.), and many more. The Orthodox Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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Sermon Finder Collection (645 Resources)
These biblical sermons, from a variety of traditions and homiletic approaches, open up Scripture so you can see how centuries of preachers before you have handled the verse you’re studying or preparing to preach from. Featuring over one hundred preachers, this collection is the best library builder for sermons ever released. If you are searching for insights from the great preachers of history, either for personal growth or for inspiration in your own preaching, the Sermon Finder Collection is ideal for diving deep into thousands of expository and topical sermons.
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The Greek Philosophers
Alfred William Benn
Originally published as a multivolume work in 1882, Alfred Benn’s The Greek Philosophers begins by asking how Greek society, on the heels of the Peloponnesian War and in social and political disarray, “developed all the highest human faculties to an extent possibly rivalled but certainly not surpassed by the collective efforts of that vastly greater population which now wields the accumulated resources of modern Europe.” Benn documents Greece’s rise in the post war years, the development of Ath...
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2025 Lutheran Portfolio
The Lutheran Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Lutheran Portfolio Library takes everything in the Lutheran Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Lutheran Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary | AYBD (6 vols.), Stuttgart Scholarly Editions: Core Bundle, Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | AYBC (94 vols.), UBS Handbooks Series: Old Testament, New Testament, and Deuterocanonical Books (66 vols.), and many more. The Lutheran Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $4,749.99
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2025 Orthodox Platinum
The Orthodox Platinum Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Orthodox Platinum Library is a great entry point for academic study or more advanced exegesis and sermon prep. With over 900 resources, the Orthodox Platinum Library includes fantastic resources such as The Oxford Handbooks Early Christian Studies Collection (5 vols.), Apostolic Fathers Commentary Series | AFCS (3 vols.), The Church's Bible | CB (6 vols.), and many more.
Sale $1,499.99
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2025 Orthodox Diamond
The Orthodox Diamond Library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Orthodox Diamond Library takes everything in the Orthodox Platinum Library and adds even more to your library, with scholarly series like Ancient Faith Biblical And Theological Studies Collection (64 Vols.), Septuaginta with Apparatus and Alternate Texts (Rahlfs-Hanhart)Septuaginta with Apparatus and Alternate Texts (Rahlfs-Hanhart), Dictionary of Classical Hebrew | DCH (9 vols.), and Carta Biblical Background Collection (9 vols.). With over 1600 volumes of advanced biblical reference works, this is an ideal package for anyone doing academic research or advanced exegesis.
Sale $2,999.99
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Select Works on Orthodox History (16 vols.)
Adrian Fortescue; John Mason Neale; Walter F. Adeney; …
Part one of this massive collection of resources provides you with both the historical and doctrinal background necessary to better understand the Orthodox Christian Church, or what F. G. Cole called “The Mother of All Churches.” Covering everything from a detailed, historical account of the church from the days of the apostles until the nineteenth century, to a number of lectures and treatises on the Orthodox Church and her interaction with other Christian communions, this set is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of Christianity in the East, as well as how the Orthodox Church has had an influence on the Christianity of the West. Part two of the Select Works on Orthodox History collection delves deeply into the history of various local Orthodox churches, including those of Cyprus, Egypt, Serbia, and Constantinople, while also covering the churches of Eastern Europe and the Oriental, Armenian, and Assyrian communions. This set is a must-have for anyone intereste...
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Logos 6 Anglican Diamond Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Logos 5 Anglican Diamond Legacy Library
The Logos 5 Anglican Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic Anglican libraries of Logos 5. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Expository Lectures on St. Paul’s Epistles to the Corinthians
Frederick W. Robertson
Taken from a series of lectures, F. W. Robertson comprehensively examines not only the text itself; but the national policies, historical context, implications of religious duties, and contributing factors to the ancient world in Corinth. This extensive volume provides expositional studies on the Epistles to the Corinthians, as well as a distinct synopsis of the period.
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Christian Art and Symbolism, with Some Hints on the Study of Landscape
R. St. John Tyrwhitt
In these chapters, Richard St. John Tyrwhitt introduces readers to a number of different areas within the study of Christian art and symbolism. Tyrwhitt’s voice is lively yet scholarly, engaging the reader while sharing useful insight into a complex web of art history. This text was adapted from material originally delivered as lectures during 1871–1872, at Winchester, Bradford, and Halifax, England. Contents: • Preface by Professor John Ruskin • Introductory • Greek and Christian Art ...
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The Story of the Church of Egypt: Being an Outline of the History of the Egyptians under Their Successive Masters from the Roman Conquest until Now, Vols. I & II
E. L. Butcher
Part two of the Select Works on Orthodox History collection delves deeply into the history of various local Orthodox churches, including those of Cyprus, Egypt, Serbia, and Constantinople, while also covering the churches of Eastern Europe and the Oriental, Armenian, and Assyrian communions. This set is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of the Orthodox Church.
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