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Introducing the Old Testament, 4th ed.
John William Drane
Continuously in print for over 30 years, and available in many different languages, John Drane’s Introducing the Old Testament has long been recognized as an authoritative and accessible survey of the subject.This new edition has been fully revised and updated with fresh material on a range of topics, especially the political and cultural context that influenced the compilation of its books and the development of the faith of ancient Israel and Judah. Specific issues that will be of particular interest to students are highlighted in special boxed feature sections, along with an extensive glossary of technical terms and key maps and diagrams. This book is the ideal starting point for readers who wish to explore the Old Testament and its world in the light of recent scholarship, and its relevance to life in the twenty-first century.
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The Bible Guide - Old Testament: Updated edition
Andrew Knowles
Product Description Hailed as a “classic reference book” by The Right Reverend James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool, The Old Testament Guide provides readers with a complete all-in-one journey through the books of the Old Testament.Easy to read and navigate, this volume explores, explains, and brings to life the history, stories, cultures, and messages of each book. The accessibility of Andrew Knowles’ writing demystifies and contextualises many aspects of the Scriptures, and deepens our understanding of their principles, doctrine, and messages for us today.Interspersed with boxed features that highlight key events, places, people and biblical passages, The Old Testament Guide is an ideal introduction for new scholars and interested readers alike who have little or no grounding in the subject. Book Description This is a Bible guide in two volumes which unpacks the content, meaning and relevance of each book of the Bible.
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Christian Art
Michelle P. Brown
Explore the rich history and influence of Christian art from Antiquity to the present day.
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Christian Spirituality
Gordon Mursell
There is a growing interest today in the context and history of Christian spirituality. In this book a team of expert authors from the East and West present a full and fascinating picture of humanity’s desire for the divine across the centuries.
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The History of Christianity: The Age of Exploration to the Modern Day
Jonathan Hill
How did a group of scared peasants from a backwater of the Roman empire – followers of an executed criminal – form the largest religion on the planet?
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The Bible Guide – New Testament
Andrew Knowles
Product Description Hailed as a “classic reference book” by The Right Reverend James Jones, former Bishop of Liverpool, The New Testament Guide provides readers with a complete all-in-one journey through the books of the New Testament.Easy to read and navigate, this volume explores, explains, and brings to life the history, stories, cultures, and messages of each book. The accessibility of Andrew Knowles’ writing demystifies many aspects of the scriptures, and deepens our understanding of their principles, doctrine, and messages for us today.Interspersed with boxed features that highlight key events, places, people and biblical passages, The New Testament Guide is an ideal introduction for new scholars and interested readers alike who have little or no grounding in the subject. Book Description This is a Bible guide in two volumes which unpacks the content, meaning and relevance of each book of the Bible From the Back Cover Hailed as a “classic reference book” by The Right Reverend…
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The Expansion of Christianity - Christianity and the Celts
Timothy Yates
This is an accessible two-part introduction to Christianity's expansion.
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