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    Here’s an edited version of today’s webinar: https://faithlifetv.com/items/626730. We hope it’s helpful. Please post your follow-up questions and feedback to this group, and we’ll do our best to answer and address them as quickly as we can.
  •  — Edited

    Welcome to the Logos Notes group. This is a place for users of Logos Bible Software to talk about the new Notes tool in the Logos desktop, web, and mobile apps. Share and learn tips, ask and answer questions, and show some of the cool ways you’re using Notes to help you do better Bible study—and let us know how we can make Logos Notes even better.
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    Is there a way to restore a previous version in notes? While using iOS mobile version of Logos, I was editing a note using the phone microphone and suddenly everything in the note disappeared. The note is not deleted only its contents - and I had a lot of information there! It’s as if I had selected the entire contents of the note and hit delete! To be clear, I need to restore a previous version of a note, not restore a deleted note
    1. I've had the same thing happen to me. Sometimes I've been able to recover the note by using undo (control-z on Windows), but what do we do on the mobile app?
  • Is it possible to go back to a previous version of a Note? I have a note that I use for bookmarks, and I tried to delete one in the mobile app, but instead of deleting the one I tapped the "x" for, it instead deleted the first one. This was the one thing I was actually using Logos notes for instead of Obsidian, mostly because anything that Logos thinks looks like a Bible verse gets turned into a link to the default Bible, and if it's manually linked somewhere else (like a specific translation) that manual link gets destroyed (I'm similarly not a fan of abbreviations for the first 16 days of March getting turned into links to chapters of Mark's Gospel) now, instead of Logos Notes, I'll have to grab a link & paste it into Obsidian... instead of pushing people into subscriptions to get new features, it would be nice if the ones you already claimed to have were at least usable.
    1. Go to your list of notebooks, scroll to the bottom and find trash. Your deleted note should be there and you can restore it. Sorry if this is not perfect explanation as I'm working from memory now.
    2. You have to open the sidebar of your notes. The trash button is at the bottom of that sidebar. It will show all deleted notes from all notebooks and from no notebook.
  • Can only export the first 133 pages of my notes (currently over 600 pages). Why is this?
    1. Probably the export routines cap all export at 100 pages (internal calulation, taking into account font size and paper size of selected printer). if you go to the smallest font size in the panel = slider to the left and select a large paper size such as A3 with narrow margins, you may be able to export all of it. Otherwise export it as chunks (e.g. by filtering for notebooks or biblical books or what fits)
    2. ah, thanks!
  • I can find no help on the link button in notes
    1. To use the link button: 1) Copy the thing you want to link - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022299852-How-do-I-create-links-to-content-in-Logos 2) Select a portion of text in a note 3) Click the Link button - to show a text field 4) Paste in what you copied in (1) above 5) Click Save Does that help?
  • Hello, I have been browsing through the forums looking for a tip that enables me to print/export a note with the 'Text' of the referenced scripture printed with the notebook notes. I select the notes in a notebook and then the three ellipses at the top right with print/export to Word. The printout ONLY gives me the scripture reference and then the attached notes. I want to put these notes into a binder with the related scripture text. Is there a way to do this? To DATE, nothing has worked.? Thank you.
    1. In some of my notes, I choose to paste in the referenced text, most of the time at the top, other times at the bottom (below the notes). It depends upon what I want to see in the pop-up preview of the note when I hover over the in-line note icon.
    2. I am learning to include page numbers in notes as well. The information is all there in the database, but the notes export code just doesn’t have the capability to export well. This is one of the weakest part of the product.
  • Is there any way to have your notes scroll alongside your Bible passage (like when linking to a panel of another translation)? Context: that is how Life Bible operates and I love it, so the only reason I haven't switched to mainly using Logos is because I'm having a hard time utilizing my notes effectively.
    1. I'm sorry but this isn't currently possible
    2. Ok, thanks for letting me know!
  • Does anyone know if there is a way to set my SBL Greek font near the top of the font list in Notes? Or, better yet, is there a way to set a shortcut key to switch from my default font to SBL Greek while typing?
    1. Anyone notice typing in notes to be laggy? When typing into desktop version especially. When typing in web version of logos it is very snappy but the words appear a couple strokes behind me typing them on desktop app. Could there be a setting I need to change?
      1. I'm not experiencing any lagging on my desktop when using notes. Tech support may be of assistance.
      2. This happens to me when my computer is overtaxing its processing power or when Logos is indexing.
      3. I am having the same issue. It seems to be constantly trying to sync/save the note. I have an older (2016) MacBook.
    2. As far as I can tell, exported highlights still do not include citations. It seems a bit clunky to have to go back to the resource and copy and paste the text into a document. Shouldn't this be an easy fix, since the citations are included in copied and pasted text?
      1. Hey guys! I Use notes primarily for my highlighting I am currently wanting to use anchors for the names of the various gods of other religions that are mocked by the Prophets and the psalms as a compendium so I can see in the note who and what they were. my current issue it my anchors are translation-specific, and I cant figure out how to make a non-translation-specific anchor of single words.