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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges (21 vols.)
A. Lukyn Williams; Alfred A. Plummer; Arthur Carr; …
Featuring 16 distinguished scholars of the New Testament, the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges (21 Vols.) is an indispensable collection of references for studying the New Testament in its original language. Each volume contains a selected New Testament book in Greek, followed by a detailed and insightful commentary. These commentaries include outlines, verse-by-verse interpretation, historical facts, doctrinal discussions, word studies, and more. Written in an easy to understand style but still rich with biblical exegesis, this collection is perfect for anyone studying the New Testament in the Greek language.
Sale $99.99
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Hebrews
Frederic Farrar; Cambridge University Press
F. W. Farrar’s analysis of the Greek text of Hebrews illuminates the nuances and history of the language, and presents an in-depth reading of this intricate and important book of the Bible. Before Farrar examines the Greek text, he offers his observations on the questions that surround this book: who wrote it and when? Farrar also examines the theology of Hebrews and its canonicity.
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The Romans Collection (125 vols.)
Get everything you need to take your study of Romans to the next level. The Romans Collection features the renowned commentaries from Pillar, the New American Commentary, the New Beacon Bible Commentary, the College Press NIV Commentary, the Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, the International Critical Commentary, and many, many more. Including classics by Charles Hodge, John Calvin, Henry Cowles, J. B. Lightfoot, Charles Gore, and Albert Barnes, as well as modern commentaries by N. T. Wright, Craig S. Keener, R. C. Sproul, Leon Morris, and Ben Witherington III, this collection goes above and beyond merely commenting on Paul’s words. It provides an intense, thorough, and all-encompassing library of the textual history, theological implications, cultural background, contemporary application, and denominational interpretations of each verse of Romans.
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Textual Variants Collection (406 resources)
Alfred A. Plummer; Alfred Rahlfs; Arthur Ernest Cowley; …
The Bible, as we have received it today, was transmitted through history on thousands of ancient manuscripts, copied by hand. This complex history has resulted in both a strong confidence in the authenticity of the Biblical text, but also many challenges in teasing out the variations amongst those manuscripts. The Textual Variants Collection pulls the original-language texts from numerous commentaries and codices, allowing users to view overviews and commentary on missing or extraneous passages, and compare primary texts with modern translations. Working alongside the Logos Textual Variants feature, this collection helps you see how each verse was preserved and translated throughout the centuries, whether through Egypt in the Coptic tradition or by Rome in the Latin translations.
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H. C. G. Moule Collection (7 vols.)
Handley Moule; Cambridge University Press
The H. C. G. Moule Collection brings together seven volumes of commentary on the Pauline epistles. Moule was the first principal at Ridley Hall Theological College, Cambridge, as well as the Norrisian Professor of Divinity. His writings are informative, yet accessible, making them useful both to scholars and laity.
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The John Collection (130 vols.)
Study the beginning through John’s eyes with a library tailored to exegete and analyze this unique gospel. John stands miles apart from his synoptic counterparts, providing a vastly different lens through which to see Jesus and his ministry—and yet, he tells the same story. Nearly 100 verse-by-verse commentaries offer insight to every word of John’s Gospel, providing multifaceted and multidenominational approaches to the beloved apostle’s theological story.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: John
Alfred A. Plummer; Cambridge University Press
In this volume Alfred Plummer offers insightful notes on the Greek text of the Gospel of John. He also includes thorough introductory texts covering the life of John, the object and plan of the gospel, and its relation to the Synoptic Gospels. Plummer also includes a detailed analysis of John and a chapter dedicated to the authenticity of the Gospels.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 2 Peter and Jude
Montague Rhodes James; Cambridge University Press
Before providing his succinct and practical commentary on 2 Peter and Jude, M. R. James provides an in-depth introduction to both important books. James explains the connection between 2 Peter and Jude before exploring each of them separately.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Romans
R. St. John Parry; Cambridge University Press
R. St. John Parry’s notes on the Greek text of Romans are rich with insightful observations and explanations. His introduction includes a detailed overview of the Epistle to the Romans exploring its genuineness, the date and place it was written, its character and contents, and its purpose. Parry also explores the history of the Roman Church and the doctrine of justification.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Philippians
Handley Moule; Cambridge University Press
Moule’s introduction to the Greek text of Philippians includes chapters on Paul’s connection with the town of Philippi, the date and occasion of the Epistle, and its authenticity. Moule includes a fascinating comparison of Paul’s Epistle and Polycarp’s Epistle to the Philippians, providing insightful observations about their language and style.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 1 Peter
G. W. Blenkin; Cambridge University Press
With over 100 pages of notes concerning the Greek text, Blenkin has produced a perfect companion to reading 1 Peter in its original language. Blenkin also examines the life and character of Peter, the authorship of the epistle, and the date and place of it writing.
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Logos 6 Collector's Edition Legacy Library
The Logos 6 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 6. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library, including academic reference works and original language resources.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Luke
Frederic Farrar; Cambridge University Press
In this volume F. W. Farrar provides an excellent introduction to the Gospel of Luke in Koine. With a valuable preface that covers the life of Luke, the authenticity of the Gospels, characteristics of the Gospels, and Hellenistic Greek, Farrar’s helpful chapter-by-chapter notes equip the reader with the necessary tools to fully appreciate the Gospel of Luke in its original language.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Pastoral Epistles
J. H. Bernard; Cambridge University Press
J. H. Bernard presents the Greek texts of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and the epistle to Titus, along with insightful commentary and observations on the texts. Also included are chapters defending the Pauline authorship of these books and a literary history of all three epistles. Bernard also examines the heresies contemplated in the pastoral epistles, as well the roles of church leaders as set forth by Paul.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 1, 2, & 3 John
Alfred A. Plummer; Cambridge University Press
“In order to understand the motive and tone of the Epistles, it is requisite to have some clear idea of the circumstances, local, moral, and intellectual, in the midst of which they were written,” states Alfred Plummer in the introduction. This volume contains Plummer’s fascinating biography of John in his last years, evoking the atmosphere and politics at work when John penned these epistles.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Acts
J. Rawson Lumby; Cambridge University Press
With 400 hundred pages of extensive commentary on the Book of Acts, J. R. Lumby has provided a thorough treatment on this important book of the Bible. Lumby also provides an insightful introduction where he examines the author of Acts, the date of the work, the sources for the narrative, and some difficulties in the modern scholarship of Acts.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 1 Corinthians
J. J. Lias; Cambridge University Press
“At the time of the Apostle’s visit, Corinth was the most considerable city in Greece,” begins Lias in the introduction to this volume on 1 Corinthians. Before providing almost 200 pages of commentary on the Greek text, Lias provides an insightful introduction to 1 Corinthians, covering the date, place of writing, character, and genuineness of the Epistle. Lias also includes a chapter on the doctrine of the Resurrection.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Galatians
A. Lukyn Williams; Cambridge University Press
Before his extensive commentary on Galatians, A. Lukyn Williams provides a fascinating history of the people that inhabited the Province of Galatia around the time this epistle was written. Williams also provides a chronology of Paul’s life, and includes a chapter on the permanent value of Galatians.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Revelation
William Henry Simcox; Cambridge University Press
William Henry Simcox is an apt guide into one of the most difficult books in the Bible, Revelations—his commentary upon the Greek text is as illuminating as his insightful introduction to this book. Besides addressing the authorship of Revelation, Simcox also explores the angels of the churches, heresies controverted in Revelation, and the doctrine of Millennialism.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark, 2nd Series
Alfred A. Plummer; Cambridge University Press
Plummer’s updated volume on the Gospel of Mark provides an interesting overview of the Book’s history, including its sources, its plan and contents, its characteristics in vocabulary and style, its literary history, and its integrity. The commentary on the Greek text is thorough and Plummer provides a short history on the origins of the Hellenistic Greek dialect commonly used by the Apostles.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 2 Corinthians
Alfred A. Plummer; Cambridge University Press
Alfred Plummer’s in-depth examination of 2 Corinthians contains a multi-chaptered introduction to this significant book of the Bible. Plummer covers the genuineness of the Epistle, its purpose, the contents, and its language and style. Plummer also dedicates a chapter on the integrity of the epistle, addressing head-on the controversial theory that 2 Corinthians may contain fragments from several different letters—portions of which Paul’s authorship are questioned.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Ephesians
J. O. F. Murray; Cambridge University Press
J. O. F. Murray’s notes on the Greek text of Ephesians are indispensible for reading this epistle in its original language. His introduction to the tenth book of the New Testament covers its content and form, its relationship to Colossians, the time and place of its writing, and its intended audience.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Matthew
Arthur Carr; Cambridge University Press
Arthur Carr’s preface to the Greek text of the book of Matthew provides a wonderful introduction to the Gospels. Carr examines the origins of the Synoptic Gospels, the life of Mathew, and the authorship, purpose, and characteristics of the text. Carr also explores the various members of the family of Herod that are connected with New Testament history. Carr’s notes on the Greek text are practical and insightful.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark
G. F. Maclear; Cambridge University Press
Before expounding the Greek text of the book of Mark, G. F. Maclear provides an introduction to the life of Mark and the circumstances of the composition of the Gospel. Maclear also provides a general analysis of the Gospel, discussing its structure and style. Maclear’s commentary on the Greek text is rich with historical, textual, and linguistic observations.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: James
Arthur Carr; Cambridge University Press
“The Epistle of St. James has not been admitted into the Canon of the New Testament without dispute,” writes Carr. Before providing extensive commentary on the text of James, Arthur Carr examines the authorship and the history of James’ canonicity before expounding on its message and content. Carr also dedicates an entire chapter to the poetical elements found in James.
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Complete Classic Commentary Collection
With thousands of scholarly commentaries covering every book of the Bible, the Complete Classic Commentaries Collection is a timeless trove of more than 1,600 expositions, analyses, and illustrations. This massive bundle is comprised of classic commentaries Logos has released separately in the past. Build your library or complement the resources you already own with these classic works in Logos’ advanced digital format.
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2025 Anglican Portfolio
The Anglican Portfolio library makes your study of the Bible easier by connecting your entire library of books to a robust set of study tools. The Anglican Portfolio Library takes everything in the Anglican Diamond Library and adds even more to your library. The Anglican Portfolio LIbrary contains key sets including SIL Exegetical Summary Series | SILES (34 vols.), Fathers of the Church: A New Translation (148 vols.), Reformation Commentary on Scripture Collection | RCS (20 vols.), Conversations with Scripture Series (12 vols.), and many more. The Anglican Portfolio Library is excellent for academic research or advanced exegesis.
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2025 Ultimate Library
Our largest package, the 2025 Ultimate Library, provides an incredible library for biblical research and theological reflection. Whether focused on Church history or biblical exegesis, the vast collection of resources and titles at your fingertips cover the gamut—from most devotionals to practical discussions of pastoral ministry to the most rigorous scholarly and academic research. This package has everything you need to engage in the serious study of Scripture and its world, with respected resources like the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS (382 vols.) and top-tier exegetical commentaries like the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament | NIC (51 vols.).
Sale $23,999.99
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Colossians and Philemon
A. Lukyn Williams; Cambridge University Press
A. Lukyn Williams provides astute introductions to the epistles of Colossians and Philemon before offering his commentary on these important books in their original Greek language. With respect to Colossians, Williams explores the letter’s destination: the church at Colossae. Williams examines the occasion for writing the letter, and provides insightful observations on the false teachings Paul was concerned about.
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Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
George G. Findlay; Cambridge University Press
With over 200 pages of thorough notes on 1 & 2 Thessalonians, George Findlay also includes an in-depth introduction to both books. Findlay provides historical background information on the city of Thessalonica, and explains the influence of Paul’s teachings on the growing congregation of Christians at that burgeoning Church. Findlay also examines the authorship of the epistle, as well as its vocabulary and style.
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