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Products>Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark, 2nd Series

Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark, 2nd Series

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Alfred Plummer’s updated volume on the Gospel of Mark provides an interesting overview of the Gospel’s history, covering its sources, plan and contents, characteristics in vocabulary and style, literary history, and integrity. The commentary on the Greek text is thorough and Plummer provides a short history on the origins of the Hellenistic Greek dialect commonly used by the Apostles.

With Logos Bible Software, the Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark, 2nd Series is completely searchable and linked to the Greek dictionaries and English translations in your digital library. That makes this resource more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal Bible study.

  • Contains a general and Greek index
  • Includes a detailed introduction by the author
  • Offers an intelligent exploration that delves into the nature of Mark
We could not point out better handbooks for the student of the Greek.

Expository Times

One of the most popular and useful literary enterprises of the nineteenth century.

Baptist Magazine

The value of the work as an aid to biblical study, not merely in schools, but among people of all classes who are desirous to have intelligent knowledge of the Scriptures, cannot easily be over-estimated.

The Scotsman

The books are scholarly without being pretentious, and information is so given as to be easily understood.

Sword and Trowel

  • Title: Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges: Mark, 2nd Series
  • Author: Alfred Plummer
  • Series: Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • Publication Date: 1914
  • Pages: 392
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Total value if sold separately:$19.98

Alfred Plummer (1841–1926) was educated at Exeter College, Oxford and was a Fellow of Trinity College. He was one of the editors of the International Critical Commentary series which contain his commentaries on Luke, 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians. Plummer was also a contributor to The Expositor's Biblecommentary set.


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Collection value: $9.99
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