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Products>Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.)

Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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In a society where masking your emotions is the norm, it’s difficult to come to grips with the reality that there is deep spiritual suffering in and amongst ourselves. Dealing with emotions, apart from Christ, is hopeless. In the Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.), author and psychologist Dan B. Allender gives his unique perspective on emotions, love, and childhood sexual abuse. He presents biblical ways to deal with the dark issues surrounding these topics.

This collection looks at how emotions are dealt with in both society and your spiritual walk with Christ. Whether you’re struggling to understand the real meaning of love, are frustrated with your ability to control negative emotions, or are burdened with a past that included sexual abuse, you will find that there is healing that can be done. Dr. Allender focuses on the hope that is found when you feel there is nothing that can heal your broken soul: Jesus Christ. Understanding that Christ wants to release you from your chain of burdens is key in healing your soul.

Filled with practical helps and biblical encouragement, the Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.) will equip those who have suffered with negative emotions and those who counsel them, to grasp the hope and freedom found in Christ and live our lives in spiritual victory.

With Logos, countless Scripture passages are only a click away. Whether you are a counselor or are being counseled, the Logos edition of the Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.) brings the words of Scripture closer than ever to life’s greatest challenges. In Logos, you can search the entire collection by subject or topic to find the exact resources you’re looking for. When you search by Scripture passage, you’ll learn exactly what the Bible says about a particular topic. Whether you are a regular counselor looking for a comprehensive set of practical tools, or you’re dealing with some of the topics covered in these books, the Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection (3 vols.) can help you tackle today’s toughest issues.

  • Gives definitions, characteristics, and causes for each topic of study
  • Numerous real-life stories
  • Practical tools and a biblical focus to help heal and restore
  • Title: Dan B. Allender Counseling Collection
  • Publisher: NavPress
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 864
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$41.97
Individual products included in this collection are currently sale priced. Purchasing the individual volumes in this collection may be more cost effective than purchasing the collection itself.

Dan B. Allender received his M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Michigan State University. Dan taught in the Biblical Counseling Department of Grace Theological Seminary for seven years (1983–1989). From 1989–1997 Dan worked as Professor in the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling program at Colorado Christian University, Denver, Colorado. Currently, Dan serves as Professor of Counseling Psychology at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology in Seattle, Washington.

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3 ratings

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  1. Tom



    How about dynamic pricing?
  2. Kevin O'Malley
    Dan Allender in his book The Wounded Heart is right on target, focused and brings some very interesting and challenging strategies in dealing with victims of sexual abuse, A must read for any counselor but more importantly a must read for past victims.
  3. David Leslie Bond
