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Products>Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Upgrade (9 vols.)

Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Upgrade (9 vols.)

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Collection value: $100.91
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The Teaching the Bible Series from Christian Focus Publishing is designed to help the pastor, preacher, small group leader, or youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application. They are all geared to teach you the truth of Scripture.

There are commentaries and there are books on preaching—but very few books that combine elements of both to enable the preacher or Bible teacher to prepare a series on specific sections of Scripture. This series gives the Bible teacher suitable tools to understand the context of biblical books, doctrinal themes, methods of interpretation, key interpretation points, and how to communicate that message clearly. While very useful for preachers, this collection is also aimed at equipping small group study leaders, youth workers, and other Bible teachers. The books are purposefully practical.

Key Features

  • Combines commentary-style exegesis with direction on preaching
  • Assists Bible teachers of all kinds in teaching the Bible effectively
  • Includes study questions and other tools for teaching

Product Details

  • Title: Christian Focus Teaching the Bible Upgrade (9 vols.)
  • Series: Teaching the Bible
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Volumes: 9
  • Pages: 2,624
  • Resource Type: Commentaries
  • Topic: Preaching Resources

This title is included in the following collections

You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.

Teaching Numbers: From Text to Message

  • Author: Adrian Reynolds
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 304

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Book of Numbers follows the journey of the Israelite people from the Exodus from Egypt until their entrance into the Promised Land. This book is deeply relevant for a wandering generation today who need to make their way back to God. The book points to Christ and provides important instruction for believers today. Discover how God speaks even in the wilderness!

A terrific addition to a wonderful series. When I preach through Numbers this volume will be close at hand.

—Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Adrian Reynolds is Director of Ministry of the Proclamation Trust and also serves as associate minister at East London Tabernacle Baptist Church, London

Teaching 1 Kings: From Text to Message

  • Author: Bob Fyall
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

1 Kings begins with the last days of David, continues with the glorious days of Solomon's reign but then disobedience and decline resulting in a divided kingdom and idolatry. Elijah and Elisha confront the evil perpetrated by the kings and they point people to the one true God.

This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing Teaching the Bible Series, is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you're a leader of a small group, preacher or a youth worker, it will help you to communicate the message from 1 Kings whether it is a word for believers or the opportunity to teach evangelistically.

As in his other writings, so in this current study on 1 Kings, Robert Fyall shows himself to be a reliable guide for those exploring the Old Testament. Through a combination of helps, including explanatory comment and probing questions, he enables the reader to engage with the text of Kings, including passages that seem rather dull and mundane. The aim throughout is to provide the tools for the Christian preacher to teach and apply this part of the Word of God to a contemporary congregation; ultimately to proclaim Christ in a responsible manner.

—Iwan Rhys Jones, Director of Postgraduate Studies & Lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales

Bob Fyall is Senior Tutor in Ministry for the Cornhill Training Course (Scotland). Prior to that he was the Director of Rutherford House, Edinburgh. He is an experienced pastor, preacher and Old Testament scholar.

Teaching Ezra: From Text to Message

  • Author: Adrian Reynolds
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Pages: 256

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Teaching Ezra offers an in–depth look at the themes and message presented through the prophet who led God’s people back from captivity to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. This title is part of the Teaching series which offers practical guidance such as relevant study questions, prominent teaching points, and applications.

The teacher of Ezra needs to do two things well: to understand the historical contours of the book sufficiently to draw hearers into its colorful world, and to see how this somewhat unfamiliar book points to Christ and finds fulfilment in Him. With his characteristic freshness, wit and insight, Adrian serves the Bible teacher admirably in both these tasks. I suspect that his guide will be an indispensable companion and aid for teachers of this rich book for many years to come.

—Jonathan Griffiths, Lead Pastor, The Met, Ottawa, Canada

Adrian Reynolds is Director of Ministry of the Proclamation Trust and also serves as associate minister at East London Tabernacle Baptist Church, London

Teaching Ruth & Esther: From Text to Message

  • Author: Christopher Ash
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Pages: 288

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Ruth and Esther are two prophetic pictures of the same gospel. One speaks of a last–minute rescue from death, the other of a long–awaited filling of a terrible emptiness. One ends with a baby; the other concludes with an annual remembrance of an amazing escape. But neither really ends, until they find their fulfilment in Jesus Christ. This book is designed to help the pastor/preacher, small group leader, or youth worker in preparing and presenting studies.

For those looking for help in preaching and teaching Ruth and Esther here it is. Ash informs, instructs, and inspires as he helps the reader understand the meaning and implications of these two biblical books. Ruth and Esther are a part of Holy Scripture and deserve to be preached and taught to Christian congregations. If you are looking for help in communicating the messages of these books, Ash provides it in a stellar form.

—William F. Cook, professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

Christopher Ash is Writer–in–Residence at Tyndale House and Ministry Trainer at St. Andrew the Great church in Cambridge. From 2004 to 2015 he was Director of the Proclamation Trust Cornhill Training Course. He splits his time between preaching, speaking and writing, and has written several books, including ‘Bible Delight: Psalm 119 for the Bible teacher and Bible hearer’ and ‘Teaching Psalms Vol. 1’.

Teaching Psalms Vol. 1: From Text to Message

  • Author: Christopher Ash
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • Pages: 272

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Psalms can be sung, spoken or read, but they were written to be prayed. Until we pray them from the heart we miss their purpose. If you love, or want to love, or think perhaps you ought to love, the Psalms, this first instalment of a two-volume set on the Psalter is for you. Christopher Ash gives us a practical and theological handbook to equip us to pray and to teach the Psalms. He faces the difficulties and shows how praying them in Christ does justice to their original meaning and context as well as their place in the whole bible.

This series of excellent guides aims to help the Bible teacher to observe what is there in the text, and prepare to convey its significance to contemporary hearers. It is like having the guidance of an experienced coach in the wonderful work of rightly handling the word of truth.

—John Woodhouse, retired principal and lecturer in Doctrine and Old Testament, Moore College, Sydney, Australia

Christopher Ash is Writer–in–Residence at Tyndale House and Ministry Trainer at St. Andrew the Great church in Cambridge. From 2004 to 2015 he was Director of the Proclamation Trust Cornhill Training Course. He splits his time between preaching, speaking and writing, and has written several books, including ‘Bible Delight: Psalm 119 for the Bible teacher and Bible hearer’ and ‘Teaching Psalms Vol. 1’.

Teaching Psalms Vol. 2: From Text to Message

  • Author: Christopher Ash
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Volume 2 of Teaching Psalmspicks up on the groundwork laid and begins with an overview of the structure of the Psalter. It then goes through the book of Psalms, giving an introduction to each one. It does not seek to compete with a commentary in that it does not approach each verse individually; however it offers what few commentaries attempt: a careful look at the message behind the book as a whole.

Christopher Ash is one of my favorite interpreters of the Old Testament, and this new volume in his series on the psalms only deepens my appreciation for him. Ash carefully but convincingly positions Jesus Christ at the center of the psalms as their main (but not only) subject, showing how each ancient psalm witnesses forward to the sufferings and vindication of that greater Davidic King, and how modern Christ–followers can pray them as we live under his reign.

—Eric Ortlund, professor of Old Testament Studies and Biblical Hebrew, Oak Hill College, London

Christopher Ash is Writer–in–Residence at Tyndale House and Ministry Trainer at St. Andrew the Great church in Cambridge. From 2004 to 2015 he was Director of the Proclamation Trust Cornhill Training Course. He splits his time between preaching, speaking and writing, and has written several books, including ‘Bible Delight: Psalm 119 for the Bible teacher and Bible hearer’ and ‘Teaching Psalms Vol. 1’.

Teaching Daniel: From Text to Message

  • Author: Robin Sydserff and Bob Fyall
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: PAGNUM

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing Teaching the Bible Series, is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you're a leader of a small group, preacher or a youth worker, it will help you to communicate the message of Daniel.

The task of moving from the text of Scripture to clear and faithful exposition is challenging. This series of excellent guides aims to help the Bible teacher to observe what is there in the text, and prepare to convey its significance to contemporary hearers.

—John Woodhouse, retired principal and lecturer in Doctrine and Old Testament, Moore College, Sydney, Australia

Robin Sydserff is the minister of Chalmers Church, Edinburgh, having previously served as Director of Ministry for Cornhill.

Bob Fyall is Senior Tutor in Ministry for the Cornhill Training Course (Scotland). Prior to that he was the Director of Rutherford House, Edinburgh. He is an experienced pastor, preacher and Old Testament scholar.

Teaching 2 Timothy: From Text to Message

  • Author: Jonathan Griffiths
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 192

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Paul's second letter to Timothy is a letter written from one pastor to another, and it is designed to train, equip and encourage Timothy for the work of ministry. This volume is not an academic study of 2 Timothy, but rather an accessible and easily navigable teaching resource which will aid those examining 2 Timothy both to teach and for their own study. This is intended to accompany Introducing 2 Timothy.

North India desperately needs men and women who will preach and teach the Bible faithfully and PT's Teaching series is of great value in encouraging them to do just that.

—Isaac Shaw, Executive Director, Delhi Bible Institute, New Delhi, India

Jonathan Griffiths serves as Lead Pastor of The Met in Ottawa, Canada. He previously served on the staff of the Proclamation Trust in London, UK. He lives with his wife, Gemma, and their three children on the south side of Ottawa.

Teaching 1, 2, 3 John: From Text to Message

  • Author: Mervyn Eloff
  • Publisher: Christian Focus
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 304

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The books in this series are purposefully practical, working systematically through suggested preaching or Bible study series. Preaching outlines and Bible study questions are included for each passage. This book is aimed at equipping preachers, small group study leaders, student workers, youth workers and other Bible teachers.

The need of the hour is Bible knowledge. When knowledge fails, faith fails, and we are shaped instead by cultural forces alien to God. This teaching series, written by skilled and trustworthy students of God's word, helps us to understand the Bible, believe it and obey it. I commend it to all Bible readers, but especially those whose task it is to teach the inspired word of God.

—Peter Jensen, retired Archbishop of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Mervyn Eloff is Rector of St James Church, Kenilworth, South Africa.

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    Collection value: $100.91
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