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Products>AMG Bible Essentials (15 vols.)

AMG Bible Essentials (15 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $345.82
Save $259.83 (75%)

All the “essentials” for inductive Bible study are at your finger tips including research on Bible languages, along with insightful helps for those preparing for Sunday School, Bible study, and small group lessons. This is not just another collection of books; it is a complete study system. It is a unique combination of titles that are all part of a system of study that will take you deep into the Word.

The Complete Word Study KJV is a King James Version Bible text made by combining the text of the Complete Word Study OT and Complete Word Study NT. Every Hebrew and Greek word is represented in the English text by a Strong’s Dictionary number and/or grammatical code. The grammatical codes link to the grammatical notations which explain the syntax of the original language word. Strong’s numbers on the NT text link to the matching entry of the Complete Word Study Dictionary: NT.

Documents with additional items have additional indexes. For example, Spiros Zodhiates’ Complete Word Study document has indexes for Keywords, OT Strong’s numbers, NT Strong’s numbers, Hebrew grammatical codes, Aramaic grammatical codes, and Greek grammatical codes.

These fifteen volumes will display as fourteen resources in your digital library.

  • Scripture Reference Index to Dictionary
  • Tools for Derivation and Etymology
  • Exegetical Commentary
  • Synonym, Antonym and Derivative Lists
  • Book Introductions and Footnotes on Key Passages
  • Extensive Cross-reference Numbering System
  • Hebrew and Greek Word Studies Sections
  • Translational Reference Indexes
  • Title: AMG Bible Essentials
  • Authors: Spiros Zodhiates, Warren Baker, AMG Publishers, Alexander Maclaren, Charles H. Spurgeon, Chas. T. Cook, Eugene E. Carpenter
  • Publishers: AMG, Lockman Foundation, Faithlife
  • Publication Dates: 1900–2003
  • Volumes: 15
  • Resources: 14
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {7B209492-09F6-45DC-AB50-F58F9459B155}
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$345.82

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2 ratings

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  1. Andreas Roemer
    Even for the theological layman, this unusually inexpensive collection offers a tremendous enrichment for one's own Bible study. For example, “The Complete Word Study: Old & New Testament (2 vols.)” has become an indispensable part of my daily Bible reading. The package has been put together in such a way that even a layman can easily work with Strong's numbers. A fairly inexpensive must-have book package, this “AMG Bible Essential”. Tip: A good addition to the package = “AMG's Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words”.
  2. Abhishek Jacob
    Missing "The Complete Word Study Concordance: New Testament"
  3. Zisong Wang

    Zisong Wang



Collection value: $345.82
Save $259.83 (75%)