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The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament
Spiros Zodhiates
'The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament' is a wonderful tool for anyone interested in studying the words of the New Testament. This monumental work is the result of 46 years of research by the editor, Dr. Spiros Zodhiates.
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The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament
Eugene E. Carpenter; Warren Baker
This dictionary offers definitions and explanations for every word used in the Hebrew Old Testament. Each entry is identified by a number from Strong's Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, so that you can make great use of the information that is given about each word, even if they have no working knowledge of the Hebrew language. The Complete Word Study Dictionary: Old Testament is a Bible study tool designed to make the original languages of the Bible accessible to every student of the Word of God.
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AMG Bible Essentials (15 vols.)
Alexander Maclaren; Charles Spurgeon; Eugene E. Carpenter; …
All the "essentials" for inductive Bible study are at your finger tips including research on Bible languages, along with insightful helps for those preparing for Sunday School, Bible study, and small group lessons.
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The Complete Word Study: Old & New Testament (2 vols.)
Spiros Zodhiates; Warren Baker
The Complete Word Study Old and New Testaments are revolutionary products containing an exhaustive amount of Bible study research material in single book formats. Available currently in the King James Version, the text of Scripture comes alive as you are able to research important information about each Hebrew or Greek word within each volume.
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Where'd That Come From?
Steven Melvin McCalip
The English language is replete with popular idioms, sayings, and expressions. A.surprising number of these phrases originate from the King James Version of the Bible. The words of the King James Bible have become imbedded in our daily speech. Most people don't realize the numberous times they are quoting from or alluding to the Bible.
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AMG Bible Illustrations
AMG Publishers
Have you ever wanted to explain some biblical principle but were unable to find a clear way to explain it? Illustrations allow us to explain these principles more clearly and assist the hearer or reader in remembering the precepts emphasized. To help you in illustrating the truths of the Bible, we present you with this collection of over four thousand illustrations, anecdotes, and poems compiled by AMG Publishers and Pulpit Helps magazine. Illustrations are arranged alphabetically by topic for ...
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Key Word Commentary: Thoughts on Every Chapter of the Bible
Mark Water
Unlock the riches of the God's Word with the Key Word Commentary. This book by Mark Water, provides a one-page overview for all of the chapters of the Old and New Testaments. Each chapter is analyzed, outlined, summarized, and on each page ten keys are used to unlock a single chapter of the Bible.
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The Complete Word Study Concordance: Old Testament
Warren Baker
The Complete Word Study Concordance: Old Testament is coded to Strong's numbering system. This concordance details every occurrence of every Hebrew and Aramaic word in the Old Testament by book, chapter, and verse. Special Notations in the concordance information identify major reading differences between the KJV, NASB, and NIV translations of the Bible. Proper Noun Entries are subdivided in the concordance to identify different places and/or individuals that have the same name.
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Christ in the Old Testament
Charles Spurgeon
Many of the most picturesque images of Jesus Christ are those that are found—sometimes seemingly buried—in the Old Testament. Jesus emphasized this point with two of His disciples as they walked and talked together on the road to Emmaus. “Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). Using this teaching model of Jesus Himself, Charles Spurgeon, the “prince of preachers,” here offers 60 studies revealing Jesus C...
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The Believer's Payday
Paul N. Benware
The most significant payday is yet to come-the one to be received at the Judgment Seat of Christ, But how are Christians to be evaluated?
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AMG's Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults & the Occult: Tough Questions, Clear Answers
Mark Water
The Encyclopedia of World Religions, Cults and the Occult is designed to be of maximum assistance to those who may know little about the religions and sects that span the globe. It also serves as a comprehensive resource for those who wish to glean more detail about a particular religion or cult group. Each topic is clearly outlined and easy to find. Handy lists, tables, and comparison charts, such as the Time Line of World Religions, Cults, and Their Founders, and the extensive Glossary make bro...
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AMG's Comprehensive Dictionary of New Testament Words
E. Richard Pigeon; Gretchen S. Lebrun
AMG Publishers, a premier provider of Christian books and Bibles that help the average person understand the Bible in its original languages is proud to present to you the multi-functional reference tool that is AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of New Testament Words. This dictionary is your gateway to discover the meaning of the words in the Greek New Testament, even if you don’t know the first thing about the Greek language. Part one contains defintions or cross-references for more than 8,00...
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AMG's Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words
E. Richard Pigeon
AMG’s Comprehensive Dictionary of Old Testament Words was written to serve as a primary multi-functional reference tool for students of the Old Testament, those who teach the Word of God and all those who read it, with or without Hebrew knowledge. This dictionary takes into consideration the terms used by seven translations, among others, of the Bible: English Standard, J. N. Darby, King James, New American Standard Bible, New International Version (1984, 2011) and New King James Version. In AM...
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Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary Series (16 vols.)
Charles Ray; Edward E. Hindson; Elmer Towns; …
The message of the New Testament represents the timeless truth of God. As each generation seeks to apply that truth to its specific context, and up-to-date commentary needs to be created just for them. The editors and authors of the Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary Series have endeavored to do just that. This team of scholars represents conservative, evangelical, and dispensational scholarship at its best. The individual authors may differ on minor points of interpretation, but all are convinced that the Old and New Testaments teach a dispensational framework for biblical history. They also hold to a pretribulational and premillennial understanding of biblical prophecy.
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Exegetical Commentary On Matthew
Spiros Zodhiates
The newest in a long line of commentaries by noted Greek scholar Dr. Spiros Zodhiates, this new Matthew Commentary is the culmination of daily and rigorous study of the original Greek text for the entire Gospel of Matthew. The word-for-word exegesis will open insights into the original language of the New Testament, illuminating the English texts we have today more fully. About the Author Spiros Zodhiates was born to Greek parents on the island of Cyprus in 1922. After completing his Greek edu...
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Courageous Faith: Life Lessons from Old Testament Heroes
Edward E. Hindson
Learn to face life's greatest challenges with courageous faith in the power of God. Faith is the key that unlocks the power of God in our lives. It enables us to live by His promises and experience His blessings in our personal lives. In Courageous Faith, Ed Hindson encourages us to live beyond the normal limits of life and experience the unlimited power of God on a regular basis. based on the lives of the Hebrews heroes of the Old testament, this exciting book challenges us to overcome our barriers, conquer our fears, realize our goals, and start over when we fail. Relive the greatest moments of faith and triumph in the lives of the men of God who dared to believe His promises in their lives. This practical and powerful study is based on the lives of the Hebrew heroes who dared to believe that God keeps His promises
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Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary Series: 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living for Christ's Return
Michael Stallard
How do we find hope when our world is falling apart? Every human being on earth is unique, and every person has their own struggles and trials. When trials are at their worst, when hope seems unimaginable, believers may be tempted to question the hand of providence. In the deepest of trials, they must keep walking a righteous path, and take comfort in the fact that God will make all things right. It was on in the history of the Church, just twenty years or so after the death and resurrection o...
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Twenty-First Century Biblical Commentary Series: Revelation: Unlocking the Future
Edward E. Hindson
Will the human race survive in the future? Everyone is curious about the future. There is something in human nature that wants to know what is going to happen next. God speaks to the need in our lives by revealing the future before it happens. That process is called a prophecy of future events. This book is a study of the prophecies in the book of Revelation. The book of Revelation is the grand and noble conclusion to the Bible. It captives our attention, stirs our imagination, and points us t...
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AMG Concise Bible Dictionary
Don Fleming
When people read the Bible, they are often frustrated by the wide gap in time and culture that separates them from the original readers. The aim of The AMG Concise Bible Dictionary is to bridge that gap by providing the sort of information that ordinary readers are looking for in their search for a clearer understanding of the Bible. And once they understand the Bible they will find it has its own way of making itself relevant to them. The AMG Concise Bible Dictionary presents the material in a...
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Life Principles for Worship from the Tabernacle
Eddie Rasnake; Richard L. Shepherd; Wayne A. Barber
What is the right way to worship God? Throughout history, God has chosen to provide a way for man to worship Him, and for nearly five hundred years, the Tabernacle was that way. Through this detailed study of the Tabernacle, you will learn that there is a right way and yet many wrong ways to worship our Creator. The purpose of this study is to invite readers to worship God in God's way through the “Object Lesson” of the Tabernacle, Jesus Christ. In the very first lesson of the book, you will observe that centuries before the Tabernacle was constructed, God taught His people about worship. You'll discover that the earthly Tabernacle and all its components hold a spiritual significance and was actually a model of the “true Tabernacle” in Heaven, where Jesus Christ is eternally worshiped as King of kings and Lord of lords.
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The Ultimate Bible Outline Book: Every Book of the Bible Made Simple
John Hunt
Whether you are a first time reader or seasoned Bible student, this volume will help you to appreciate the main themes of each of the sixty-six Bible books, as well as every chapter within them. A treasure trove of Bible study material, features and lessons, it is in essence one vast do-it-yourself Bible study course, broken down into hundreds of short, easily managed studies. With its judicious selection of passages from the finest commentaries available on the Bible and comprehensive original ...
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AMG Concise Bible Characters
Alexander Whyte
Telling a good story takes great content, great communicating skills, and great ability to hold the listener’s attention. Writing a good biography takes many of these same skills, and Alexander Whyte possessed every one of them. He was a trained preacher, a polished writer, and very gifted at conveying the stories of other human beings. In fact, the majority of works published in his lifetime were biographical works of some kind. In AMG’s Concise Bible Characters, Whyte uses his storytelling…
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Faith, Love and Hope: An Exposition of the Epistle of James
Spiros Zodhiates
This study is one of the most extended expository works on that much neglected, though eminently practical, book of James. Dr. Zodhiates spent three years studying the book of James, and it changed his life dramatically. He brings from the depths of thought of the Greek text of James the immense spiritual wealth of this life-changing epistle. Dr. Zodhiates does this in such a way that the result will be useful both for the preacher and the general Christian reader and worker.
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A Word for the Day: Key Words from New Testament
J. D. Watson
The purpose of this book is to share the richness of some of the Greek words used in the New Testament and help make them practical in the reader's Christian living. Simply because words matter, the words of the New Testament matter most. And in a day when words don't seem to mean much, the need for precision in Christian doctrine and practice has never been more critical. Each day of the year a particular Greek word is examined by first presenting a brief word study and then offering an applic...
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Sermon Starters : Volumes 1-4
Spiros Zodhiates
As a Bible teacher, preacher, evangelist or pastor, finding time for proper sermon preparation in today's multi-tasked world becomes increasingly challenging. Sermon Starters can help!
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Bible Study Made Simple: Tough Questions Clear Answers
Mark Water
The Made Simple Series by Mark Water explains questions about Christianity in a clear way. He simplifies, yet thoroughly explains complex issues regarding the Bible, morality, and religion in this excellent series. It brings clarity to the complex, even to topics in the Bible and theology that can sometimes seem complicated. Bible Study Made Simple will guide you through different methods of Bible study that can make the Bible come alive. It provides basic principles for studying the Bible. You...
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Core Christianity: What Is Christianity All About?
Elmer Towns
There are a growing number of people who have mistaken ideas about Christianity. Why? Because the media’s politically correct agenda has redefined historical religious terms. Meanwhile, liberal Christianity denies the supernatural and explains away anything miraculous. Dr. Towns attempts to answer these problems. He takes the Bible at face value and explains Christianity’s basic concepts beginning with the premise that Christianity is a Person—Jesus Christ. Then chapter-by-chapter, he builds a…
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AMG Concise Bible Survey: Clear, Simple and Easy to Read...
Harry B. Adams
The AMG Concise Bible Survey helps the reader feel more comfortable with the Bible by providing a concise survey written at a high school level in a format that is easy to grasp. This convenient introduction and survey of every book in the Bible can be quickly digested and used repeatedly as a quick-reference guide. About the Author: Dr. Harry Adams received his BA from Auburn University and his Th.M. and D.Min from Dallas Theology Seminary. Dr. Adams taught at Carolina Bible College, Bladen ...
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Grammars Collection (129 resources)
The study and research tools in Logos Bible Software are sometimes only as good as the library that comes with them. The Exegetical Guide feature helps you study the Bible in its original languages, but it needs Hebrew and Greek grammars and lexicons in order to be most effective. The Grammars Collection gives you everything you need to detailed study of the original languages. These grammars all feature Bible verse references, bringing them to your Exegetical Guide’s Grammars section and revealing every grammatical mention of the passage you’re studying. Providing grammatical studies in Classical, Septuagint, and Koine Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian, Ecclesiastical and Classical Latin, Syriac, Ugaritic, and Hittite, these grammars break the doors of linguistic and exegetical studies wide open.
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Learning the Basics of New Testament Greek (2 vols.)
George Hadjiantoniou
Dr. George Hadjiantoniou's Learning the Basics of New Testament Greek is a grammar book that makes the Greek language of the New Testament easy to understand. A must for beginners as well as those seeking a refresher course, this book makes the study of Koine Greek as simple as possible by avoiding the unnecessary complicated jargon found in other Greek grammar books.
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