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Products>Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary

Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary

ISBN: 9781418502348

Digital Logos Edition

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A comprehensive verse-by-verse commentary for lay Bible students, fully highlighted by articles, maps, charts, and illustrations—all in one volume.

  • Clear and Comprehensive: Annotations by leading evangelical scholars don't dodge tough issues; alternative views are presented fairly, but commentators make their positions clear.
  • Attractively Designed: Graphics appeal to the sound-bite generation and others who aren't traditional commentary readers.
  • Interesting and Revealing: Hundreds of feature articles that provide additional information or new perspectives on a topic related to Bible background.
  • Visually Appealing: Maps, drawings, and photos illuminate the commentary and visualize important information.

Top Highlights

“1:1 In the beginning is a thesis statement, which can be paraphrased, ‘Here” (Page 4)

“This great, climactic verse speaks of the genuine faith of the people of Israel at the end of their experience of God’s saving works and at the beginning of their journey of faith. When we read so the people feared the Lord and the words that follow, we are meant to understand that the community had come to saving faith and so were a reborn people. They believed the Lord (the same wording used of Abraham’s saving faith in Gen. 15:6; read Paul’s comments in Rom. 4). It was also significant that the people believed His servant Moses. At the beginning of this miraculous ordeal, they had not believed him at all (Ex. 6:9). The people were transformed spiritually even as they were delivered physically. It is no wonder that they broke out in song (ch. 15).” (Pages 112–113)

“He emptied Himself.’ Christ did this by taking on the form of a servant, a mere man. In doing this, He did not empty Himself of any part of His essence as God. Instead, He took upon Himself existence as a man. While remaining completely God, He became completely human. form: Jesus added to His divine essence (v. 6) a servant’s essence, that is, the essential characteristics of a human being seeking to fulfill the will of another. Paul does not say that Christ exchanged the form of God for the form of a servant, involving a loss of deity or the attributes of deity. Rather, in the Incarnation, Christ continued in the very nature of God but added to Himself the nature of a servant.” (Page 1550)

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  • General Editor: Earl Radmacher (Th.D.), of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
  • Old Testament Editor: Ronald B. Allen (Th.D.), of Dallas Theological Seminary
  • New Testament Editor: H. Wayne House (Th.D., J.D.), of Michigan Theological Seminary and Simon Greenleaf School of Law

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7 ratings

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  1. Dr. Steven R. Cook
    Excellent commentary. Scholarly. Very reliable and readable. A good commentary to have in your library.
  2. Ice Deep

    Ice Deep


    The other reviewers are reviewing the written content, I am reviewing the graphical and picture content. In that regard this resource is old and sub-standard and if you are looking for great pictures avoid this one. The pictures are black and white.
  3. Berkey, Tod L.
  4. Jasso, Abraham
  5. Kenute P. Curry
  6. Chris Carroll

    Chris Carroll


  7. Andy Anderson

    Andy Anderson


    This volume, alongside The Believer's Bible Commentary are my favorite Single Volume Commentaries on the Bible. I have hundreds of commentaries, and these two I check out first, and they usually have the answers to the questions I have. I love them, have purchased them for other Logos friends, and recommend that you add them to your library. You will be glad that you did.
