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Products>A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith

A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith

ISBN: 9781418506957

Digital Logos Edition

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A contemporary, foundational statement of classic reformed faith, now revised and updated

  • Comprehensive, coherent, contextual, and conversational
  • Scripture-saturated, with more exegesis and more Scripture quotations than other one-volume theologies
  • Upholds classic Calvinist positions on baptism, the Trinity, church government, and much more
  • Interacts with contemporary issues and the work of other theologians
  • Reveals the author's warmth and sensitivity born of more than 25 years as a professor at leading Reformed seminaries
  • Numerous appendices covering special topics; abundant resources for further study through footnotes, and a selective bibliography
  • A textbook for theology students, a life-long reference for libraries, ministers, teachers, and professional theologians

Top Highlights

“Luke expressly informs us that later, ‘beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, [the glorified Christ] explained [διερμήνευσεν, diermēneusen] to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself’ (Luke 24:27; see also 24:44–47). Such an extensive engagement of his mind in Scripture exposition involved our Lord in theological activity in the highest conceivable sense. It is Christ himself then who established for his church the pattern and end of all theologizing—the pattern: we must make the exposition of Scripture the basis of our theology; the end: we must arrive finally at him in all our theological labors.” (Page xxviii)

“According to these passages, then, a true prophet was one who did not put forth his own words or ‘speak out of his own heart,’ but rather was ‘an appointed regular speaker for a divine superior, whose speech carries the authority of the latter.’2 In short, the prophet was God’s spokesman.” (Pages 26–27)

“That is to say, God’s glory is the sum total of all of his attributes as well as any one of his attributes.” (Page 165)

“How can the Reformed Christian speak of man’s ‘freedom’ if God has decreed his every thought and action? The solution is to be found in the meaning of the word. Reformed theology does not deny that men have wills (that is, choosing minds) or that men exercise their wills countless times a day. To the contrary, Reformed theology happily affirms both of these propositions. What Reformed theology denies is that a man’s will is ever free from God’s decree, his own intellection, limitations, parental training, habits, and (in this life) the power of sin. In sum, there is no such thing as the liberty of indifference; that is, no one’s will is an island unto itself, undetermined or unaffected by anything.” (Page 373)

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Robert Reymond taught for more than 25 years on the faculties of Covenant Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary. He holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Bob Jones University and did post-doctoral studies at Fuller Seminary, New York University, Union Seminary, Tyndale House, Cambridge, and Rutherford House, Edinburgh. Currently he is the Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology at Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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17 ratings

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  1. George Crocker
  2. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  3. Daniel Radke

    Daniel Radke


    Beware that the Logos edition of this book contains virtually NO tagging - not for Bible verses, references to other books, etc. Has page numbers, but no tagging. Very disappointing because it does not at all live up to usual standards.
  4. Dr Jason Harris
  5. Denilio J Gorena
    Reymond explains texts that apply to the doctrines being presented in this monograph. His treatment of doctrinal issues from a reformed position is genuine, enthusiastic, and educational for those wondering what reformed theologians believe. I highly recommend this volume to be a part of anyone's library whether reformed or non-reformed for contemplation of the various doctrines discussed by Reymond.
  6. Maryellen J Lewis
  7. Vincent Chia

    Vincent Chia


  8. Jeffrey S. Robison
    Enjoyed Reymond's treatment.
  9. Syam Chevuri

    Syam Chevuri


    great book
  10. Mark Brock

    Mark Brock

