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Products>Stoics of the Roman Era Collection (18 vols.)

Stoics of the Roman Era Collection (18 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $122.38
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The Stoics of the Roman Era Collection contains essays and other writings of several prominent philosophers from the time of Nero’s reign until the rule of Marcus Aurelius. In the first couple centuries following the birth of Christ, numerous philosophers wrestled with the philosophies of human morality, ethics, happy life, forgiveness, and emotional and spiritual trials. Seneca’s collection of essays (Ad Lucillium Epistulae Morales vol. 1–3 and Moral Essays, vol. 1-3) discusses the philosophical approach to happiness and satisfaction, exploring specific topics such as wealth, anger, leisure, and tranquility.

You'll find deep analysis of human ethics from Epictetus in his collection of discourses (Discourses, books 1–4). These discourses were recorded by Epictetus’ pupil Arrian during Epictetus’ time as a teacher at the “Healing Place for Sick Souls" school. The students studying under Epictetus learned about the Stoic philosophy of hidden emotions and the ability to endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings.

The Logos edition of The Stoics of the Roman Era Collection is part of the Loeb Classical Library series and includes all text in its original ancient language and English translation. Use powerful search features to quickly search your entire digital library for related content and Scripture verses. Understand classic languages better with linked definitions, synonyms, and translations for every Greek and Latin word, and pronunciation tools for the Greek. Logos also helps you find etymological connections between English words and their ancient Greek and Latin roots. Logos even syncs across devices, so you never waste time looking for where you left off.

Key Features

  • Ethical, moral, and spiritual discussions by three classic Stoic philosophers
  • Epictetus’ view of a perfect Stoic man
  • Ancient Greek and Latin writings in their original form

Product Details

  • Title: Stoics of the Roman Era Collection
  • Authors: Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius
  • Translators: Richard M. Gummere, John W. Basore, W. A. Oldfather, and C. R. Haines
  • Publishers: Harvard University, W. Heinemann, and Loeb Classical Library
  • Volumes: 18
  • Pages: 4,512
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$122.38

About the Authors

Seneca (3 BC–65 CE) was educated at the school of Sextii in Rome. His schooling was a blend of Stoicism and ascetic neo-Pythagoreanism. After spending sometime in Egypt, he returned to Rome in 31 CE and began his career in law and politics.

Epictetus was born a slave in what is present-day Turkey. His exact year of birth is unknown, although it was sometime in the 50s CE. He later served as an important administrator in the court of Nero, and later established his own school in Nicopolis called the “Healing Place for Sick Souls." Epictetus died in 135 CE.

Marcus Aurelius (121 CE–180 CE) was a Roman emperor from 161 to 180. He co-ruled with his brother, Verus, until Verus’ death, and his son Commodus until his own death. Marcus Aurelius was one of the most respected emperors in Roman history. In his early years he studied Greek and Latin, and the philosophical works of Epictetus.

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2 ratings

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  1. Daniel Caballero
  2. David



    The Stoics predate Christianity. Paul was from Tarsus a Roman province and Stoic centre. Many of his ethical teachings mirror stoicism.
  3. Unix



    Interesting complement.


Collection value: $122.38
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