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Products>College Press NIV Commentary (42 vols.)

College Press NIV Commentary (42 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $760.58
Save $210.59 (27%)
Starting at $45.27/mo at checkout


Containing 42 volumes and covering every book of the Bible, The College Press NIV Commentary Collection delivers verse-by-verse explanation of the biblical text that’s as informative as it is accessible. In addition to the book introductions in each volume of commentary, this collection also includes two entire volumes dedicated to Old and New Testament introduction. This series brings together top-notch biblical scholarship and the clarity of the most popular modern translation of the Bible. The clear exposition makes this set useful for sermon preparation and Bible study and the scholarly approach makes them useful for advanced research on the text of Scripture.

The College Press NIV Commentary Series caters to a broad readership; from the ivory tower to the pulpit to the pew. The scholar will find a dedication to serious exegesis, with constant appeals to original language texts and dialogue with the interpreters of the past. The pastor will discover a wealth of potential sermon material, as the series’ verse-by-verse exposition is sensitive both to the texts’ ancient context and Christian application. And the set is throughout marked by a readability that leaves the series accessible to the average lay person looking for a Bible study aid.

  • Expounds every verse in every book in the Bible
  • Explains cultural and historical backgrounds to the text
  • Compares the NIV translation against original Greek text (and also provides transliteration)
  • Unlocks biblical passages for your theological and pastoral study
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$747.58


8 ratings

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  1. Randal Los

    Randal Los


    this is an awesome commentary. it is very easy to understand and easy to follow. the Acts by Mark Moore is the best, and nobody can explain Romans like Jack Cottrell.
  2. Randy



    It's clear and easy to understand. It distills everything down to the main points, kind of like a summary. It does offer a brief explanation about the meaning of key words from the original languages, giving both the original word and the English alliteration. If you do not already have a good overview commentary, this one seems decent for that.
  3. Donnie



  4. Dennis Wilson

    Dennis Wilson


  5. Marco Ceccarelli
    It looks they don't have page's numbers
  6. robert lineberry
    As it had been noted: after the information explosion in the past decades, commentaries have become outdated. This recent commentary is a very good. I like the way they make sure each original word is translated the best to our English while explaining the conclusion. They make points that I miss entirely. Extensive historical data. You can tell much effort has been involved with the formation of these works. I use with the New American Commentary to compare with, then the older commentaries. User friendly.
  7. Fred Robbins

    Fred Robbins


  8. Dimitri Vandenheede
  9. Dr. Dan Baker

    Dr. Dan Baker



Collection value: $760.58
Save $210.59 (27%)
Starting at $45.27/mo at checkout