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Products>The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today

The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today


Digital Logos Edition

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At its most basic level, the word theology is “God talk,” the Greek theos originally meaning “God” and logos meaning “word, statement, speech, discourse.” God is then the ultimate subject and source of theology. Included in theology is the study of the nature of God himself, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. But theology also includes the scope of the Bible itself: the study of the Word of God subject by subject, like the doctrine of sin, the doctrine of grace, demons, angels, and many others.

In this volume, Dr. Cottrell has written a systematic theology, carefully and thoroughly setting forth an examination of the Bible’s teaching concerning every major subject.

The Faith Once for All is a powerful and dynamic view on Bible doctrine. Doctrine is nothing less than food for the soul, nourishing and strengthening us within. This book is a valuable asset that will serve as the cornerstone of your biblical reference library.

  • Extensive bibliography
  • Detailed subject index
  • Complete systematic theology, including the knowledge of God and central doctrines
  • Lengthy discussions of predestination, heaven and hell, the End Times, the tenability of biblical prophecy, and other controversial subjects

Top Highlights

“In general, relativism contradicts itself from the beginning, since its dictum ‘There is no absolute truth’ is itself intended to be taken absolutely.” (Page 14)

“A second related myth is this: ‘We need 100% certainty before we can act decisively or commit ourselves to certain beliefs.’” (Page 15)

“Trueblood points out, the existence of objective truth is clearly established by the abundant and universally recognized existence of error.” (Page 14)

“there is also an element of general revelation in the heart of every man.” (Page 45)

“One is that justification means that God declares us righteous by imputing righteousness to us; the other is that justification means that God makes us righteous by imparting righteousness to us.” (Pages 318–319)

Dr. Jack Cottrell is one of the most intelligent Bible scholars around…this edition covers nearly all major Bible doctrines from the doctrine of God to the End Times.

—Online reviewer

Excellent book. A great reference book to use for various topics within Christianity. It touches on a lot of the controversial Christian subjects of our day in a very detailed and intellectual way.

—Online reviewer

Dr. Cottrell writes factually and to the point. Agree with him or not, he will tell what he believes and why! He will also explain opposing views and why he believes them to be in error…If you want to develop a deeper understanding of Biblical doctrine then you must read this book.

—Online reviewer

  • Title: The Faith Once for All: Bible Doctrine for Today
  • Author: Jack Cottrell
  • Publisher: College Press
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 608

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Jack Cottrell is a professor of theology at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He served on the advisory council for the ESV, and is the author of numerous books, including Faith’s Fundamentals, The Gender of Jesus, Tough Questions, Biblical Answers, and Baptism, a Biblical Study, available in the College Press Biblical Studies Collection (6 Vols.).

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19 ratings

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  1. James Brummett

    James Brummett


    Cottrell is one of the best theologians of which you've never heard. His theological training came from some of the best schools in the country under the top theologians of his day (M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary; Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary). Though he taught at the seminary level for nearly 50 years, he always stayed connected to the local church. One of Cottrell's gifts is his ability to take complex ideas and simplify them for the average reader. Most of his 45 books are less than 200 pages. This book (The Faith Once For All), however, is 600+ pages and could be used for a under-grad textbook. An excellent introduction to theology. Cottrell interacts with other ideas and always gives the reader biblical and theological clarity on issue at hand. As a general rule, Dr. Cottrell gave his copyright to the publisher - a generous and humble gift. Without a doubt, Cottrell is one of the top non-reformed theologians who is fiercely committed to the authority and inspiration of the Scriptures. He is also the teacher for two different video courses on Logos.
  2. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  3. Tony Montgomery
  4. Peter



    Cottrell is one of the best non-Reformed theologians writing theology. Albeit his polemical adherence to Disciples of Christ theological distinctness, it would be a mistake to dismiss him.
  5. Matthew Lawrence
  6. Christopher Gibbs
    Great book
  7. Todd Kepschull Jr.
    Love it!
  8. rarygeaves



  9. Collin A Barth

    Collin A Barth


  10. John L. Jefferson


Digital list price: $31.99
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