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Handbook for Bible Study

, 1979
ISBN: 9781441254528

Digital Logos Edition

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This volume is one of the most complete guidebooks for Bible study available. Any Christian interested in in-depth exploration of the Scriptures will discover through this book what true Bible study involves.

The first half of Handbook for Bible Study is a detailed, holistic presentation of the inductive and deductive approaches to Bible study, applied comprehensively to laymen, students, and pastors. The second half, graded to various levels, discusses the use of tools for Bible study and stresses the value of commentaries and other aids.

Handbook for Bible Study goes beyond Bible study books which leave the impression that Bible study is little more than personal interaction with the text. Handbook for Bible Study includes methods and tools for fruitful Bible study. It is of equal value for personal use by laymen or for textbook use in college and seminary courses on Bible study methods.

Top Highlights

“An in-depth teaching ministry in the church (and in Bible colleges and seminaries as well) must communicate methodology as well as content. Not only must the truths of Scripture be preached from the pulpit but congregations must be taught how to search out those truths for themselves. Sermonic truth never becomes personal truth for the layman until he has ‘searched the Scriptures’ ‘to see if what [the preacher] said was true.’” (Page 12)

“John’s Gospel contains a beautiful picture of privilege and responsibility in mission, a picture that has been called the ‘chain of revelation.’ Christ is the ‘sent One,’ the only revealer of the Father (14:6; 17:3, 6). The Holy Spirit is the ‘sent One’ who reveals Christ to men (15:26; 16:8). And Jesus’ followers are ‘sent ones’ (17:18; 20:21) who reveal Him to men (15:27) through the power of the Holy Spirit (20:22).” (Pages 9–10)

“Here is a list of twelve of the more common ‘tip-off’ words. Ten minutes devoted to memorizing them will prevent wasted minutes later: and, but, for, so,2 or, nor, yet, both/and, not only/but also, either/or, neither/nor, therefore (thus, for this reason, so then).” (Page 53)

“One obstacle to proclaiming God’s message is the modern-day demand for experience over faith. The world has been conquered by existentialism, the philosophy which says there are no absolutes and therefore each person must grab the experience of the moment.” (Page 10)

“First, the basic unit of material for Bible study is the paragraph—a distinct group of sentences dealing with a particular point. And second, the Bible is great literature and is governed by the rules of literary composition.” (Page 22)

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Grant R. Osborne is assistant professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the University of Aberdeen. He formerly taught at Winnipeg Theological Seminary and served pastorates in Ohio and Illinois. He is the series editor of the IVP New Testament Commentary Series (18 Vols.) and author of the commentary on Romans.

Stephen B. Woodward is chairman of the Department of New Testament Languages and Literature at Winnipeg Theological Seminary. He graduated from the University of Chattanooga; Columbia Theological Seminary; and the University of Aberdeen, where he earned his Ph.D. He has held several pastorates and has taught at Winnipeg Bible College.

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8 ratings

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    Excellent guide to do Bible study (book chart, term chart, diagramming etc.)👍👍👍
  2. Gregory Roberts
  3. Tom Wilson

    Tom Wilson


  4. David Leslie Bond
  5. Allen Haynie

    Allen Haynie


  6. Lofi Digital Monk
  7. Terri Young

    Terri Young


  8. John L. Jefferson
  9. Faithlife User


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